Indoor Pop22's 2015 Indoor Garden

Those small pots work great for breeders! I like to keep them small as I can keep them in my 22"x22"x40" cab yet still get 100 or so seeds per plant. And I hate wasting a! kept more than one I should have tossed.
Hell, I've even scrogged a small plant in one of these pots!

good to hear from you Pop. hope alls well with the rotator cuff and healing nicely. you can still get a nice plant in a 24oz cup I think ;)
Well a big upgrade coming to the grow room again this month! Bought a 4'x4'x6.5' tent on ebay. I had $30 in ebay bucks so it cost me $42.99!
Yeah, its one of the cheap ones but so is my 32"x32"x60". handle it nicely, it will hold up fine. Now I can have a sealed grow space as I plan to try CO2 next grow hopefully. May do an Auto Ultimate in my soilponics rig!
Finally! I can post pics. between the hiccups here and my phone not being seen on my usb ports..........

The Blue Dragons are building nice buds! Some have red pitils now but the trichs are still clear. I figure 2-3 weeks yet.

The MOB finally flowered! Didn't think it was going to, took almost 4 weeks on 12/12 to get her there!

Excited to see these girls finish, and to start the next grow! Guess it may be an Auto Ultimate. Debating between soilponics and DWC.

Blue Dragon pic2-10-8-2015.jpg
The plants in this grow have just stunned me! Best looking, healthiest plants I have ever grown! And growing in 1 gallon pots! Going to have to try another one in SROG, see just how big I can get one of these!
Life has been very crazy, good and bad and has kept me from my threads. In the midst of upgrading my growroom, cleaning up the greenhouse, and still doing everything mostly one handed.................. a life long friend died andvI had to go out of town. that left me not wanting to do much for a few days.

But I'm back and ready to get things going again!

So the growroom is now 100% growroom! I ditched my desktop pc and desk and installed the 48"x48"x78" tent, in addition to the exsisting 48"x48"x84" area, and the 32"x32"x60" tent! not much room left in a 9'x10' room! Ohh a 22"x24"x60" cab is in there!

I chopped one Blue dragon as 2 were closer to done than the rest ( I needed bud to ). I'm chopping 1 more tonight. I think the rest have maybe 2 more weeks still have a lot of white in them, very few red pistils. Trichs are maybe 50% cloudly. The girls still look reat! I think the color in the is from deficiencies. But these are 30" to 40" plants in 1 gallon pots! they've likely sucked all the micro nutes out. i'm not going to bother doing anything seeing they are sp close to done. They all have very nice bud on them! May have been a better harvest if they had not been started in a SOG, but still going to be good! And this crop sems more potent than any other Blue Dragons I've grown! 4 hits on the vape and I was TOASTED!

In the new 4x4 tent, I moved one of the Dragon's Blood in. its a BIG Indica that's not autoflowering, so I decided she's worth putting on 12/12! We'll se what she turns into! In with her are some other little Dragon's Blood seed plants, a mutant looking NL clone, a a clone of my " Rootball" tomato plant! I'm going to clone her several times so that by spring I'll have several. The mother plant grew tomatoes the size of grapefruit and so sweet! Also moved 2 of the smaller Blue Dragon in to finish so they all get more light.

In the 32"x32" tent my Dragon's Blood ladies are doing super! One is RAPIDLY building flowers and buds! That little plant is going to give a nice crop! And the other 3 are catching up! All are healthy. It seems 3 gallon growbags are perfect for the DB in this size tent. Got to make some fem seed soon so I don't have to deal with males again!


Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon pic1 -10-27-2015.jpg

Blue Dragon pic1 -10-27-2015.jpg

Blue Dragon pic3 -10-27-2015.jpg

Dragon's Blood

Dragon's Blood pic1 -10-27-2015.jpg

Dragon's Blood bud pic1 -10-27-2015.jpg

Dragon's Blood bud pic2 -10-27-2015.jpg

New tent

new tent pic 1.jpg


  • Blue Dragon pic2 -10-27-2015.jpg
    Blue Dragon pic2 -10-27-2015.jpg
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I chopped 5 plants today! I'll post pics tomorrow.

I chopped one plant several days ago. Its crazy............Blue Dragon has been a great and potent strain, but........... DAMN! This batch is even stronger!!!! I smoked 1/2 a joint and was almost comatose for 4hours!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO! 4 hit will stone you VERY well. I can't wait to make oil and bake some blueberry muffins!!