Indoor Pop22's 2015 Indoor Garden

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THREE auto males! Wooo Hooooooo! And I'm not positive but I think I have a female auto already also! Plants are all looking good and healthy. I put the males in my clone cab till I have a female to pollinate.

Big changes in the growroom also! I just revived two new lights, Sunspect 600 watt reflector type lights. Actual draw per seller is 284 watts per light. I'll put the meter on them tomorrow. They look good and are heavy, they have a nice heatsink in them! and the price was right so we'll see how good they are, $117 each shipped!

I also ordered a 4 pot AutoPot system. If I like it, I will eventually use the exclusively in all my tents. I plan to add another 4'x4'x6.5' tent to take over the open grow area where the Blue Dragon are now. My plan is to run a 9 pot system in the new tent eventually.

BlueDragon pic1 -11-27-2015.jpg
4x4tent pic1.jpg
Looking great as always pop, those new lights look like a steal! Interested to see how your breeding goes with those males, exciting times ahead! :pass::pass:
Found another male today. chopped him and tossed him in the drying box ( I use all plants ). And I have a definite female already also, so I suspect she's an auto! Going to STS her today so I can make some fem seeds!

I'll make a run of regular seeds also and test grow them side by side to see what's worth keeping. I figure by spring I should have reliable full auto Blue Dragon!
WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO! I did it! I have one definite female Auto Blue Dragon!! and I'm fairly sure I have 4 more! She's very short, maybe 8-10" tall, but she's about 14" wide.

This whole generation of BD is different from all the rest though. up until now, they have been, big, tall plants. Now the Dragon side is showing and they are little squatty plants. That's fine though! I never thought I'd really get this far!

Now i can't wait to see how they develop. By next week I'll pick a momma plant to breed. today I'll decide which male I'll keep then chop the rest. I like the looks of the first male to sex and I may choose him for his speed.

Auto Blue Dragon - First pic -11-29-2015.jpg
Auto Blue Dragon pic2 -11-29-2015.jpg

I have 6 auto females! I've picked two to be pollinated by one male. 1 female and the male are in my clone cab under a whopping 67watts of DIY LED lighting! I'll spray down the female today to neutralize any pollen still clinging to her, and place the second plant in the cab. The first will go back to the growroom.
In the growroom, I'll be flipping the lights to 12/12 to finish up the photo period BD that are still in veg, as I've been running the light 24/7.

BD breeding pic1.jpg
The year is drawing to a close and so will this thread. The Blue Dragon's are now divided into autos and photos and I'm breeding both. I'm a little disappointed as theutos are quite small and I was hoping for some size to them. That's why I'm trying to keep the photo periods in the breeding loop. might need to backcross to a large photo again. I'll get pics of both tomorrow.

Pop22's Indoor Garden will return with some changes and as always, lots of new strains waiting their turn!