Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

Almost forgot,I also added around a teaspoon of cane sugar to a gallon as well,only for the larger plants that still have some time though.

I sprinkled some Real Grower's recharge over that last bloom tea when it was at about the 20 hour mark as well...1 teaspoon of that..1 teaspoon of Tealab's [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] inoculant and a good pinch of each Mycorrhizae that I use at the moment towards the end of the tea..The tea finished at around 30 hours..I also added a capful of Myco Chum 1-0-3 to the tea as well while it was brewing..just trying to hit on anything I missed..This was just what I did..Alot of it is just like a hmm a capful of this won't hurt let's try it..A teaspoon of this,yeah why not? The Myco Chum is just additional microbe food in liquid form..Kelp,molasses,fish hydrolysate as well as some humic acid in there it says as well..I also added an additional 2 teaspoons of liquid kelp to the tea..I filled the pitcher 3/4 of the way with regular filtered tap and the other 1/4 of the gallon with the tea.
I've had my eye on this for a while



Fat Flowers (454g.)

Fat Flowers is an organic, biostimulant, rhizo-tonic elixir for your garden. Dragonfly Earth Medicine has formulated a product that contains beneficial bacteria, a blend of organic herbs, sugar and Azomite.

Active ingredients
Beneficial Bacterias ~
creates healthy digestive probiotics. Increases photosynthesis, plant immunity, stress resistance, root growth, ultimate plant health,beneficial bio-stimulant.

Organic herbal blend ~ offers optimal balanced nutrition, immune stimulant, has all essential vitamins, amino acids, proteins, chlorophyll and trace minerals (from deep tap roots and rhizomes). Includes feminine herbs that encourage maximum yield. Organic evaporated cane juice is used to feed the bacterias and promote fat flowers.

Azomite ~ 70 metabolically active minerals and trace elements. 644 ppm./ Rare Earth Elements (REE) which enhances photosynthesis, absicissic production helps with stress, iron absorbtion, protein synthesis, beneficial bio-stimulant.

Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N).........................3%
Available Phosphate (P2O5)......6%
Soluble Potash (K2O)..................6%
Derived from *Alfalfa, *Nettle, *Kelp, *Wild Yam, *Burdock Root, *Turkey Rhubarb,
*Horsetail, *Raw Cacao and Volcanic ash. (*certified organic)

15% Urtica Dioica (Stinging Nettle leaf)
15% Medicago Sativa (Alfalfa)
15% Ascophyllum nodosum (Kelp)
10% Discorea Villosa (Wild Yam)
10% Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail)
10% Rheum Palmatum (Turkey Rhubarb root)
10% Arctium (Burdock Root)
5% Theobroma Cacao (Cacao Bean)
5% Evaporated Cane Sugar
5% Humic Acid (derived from lignite)
Bacillus subtilis - 7,930,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus pumilus - 7,930,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus megaterium - 7,930,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus licheniformis - 7,930,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens - 7,930,000 CFU per gram
I opened the lid on the Kis mix that has to be reamended..You know the one that had a nice mycelium layer on top? Well when I was done with my previous grow,I threw the soil in there and just left the root balls intact lying on the soil surface to come back and chop up at another time..Upon lifting the lid,I noticed all the hair-like feeder roots were completely gone..Poof..broken down and returned to the soil..Which leaves us with the thicker remainder of the stalk & taproot..This step is optional,you don't have to do it but it doesn't hurt to add back some organic matter,especially something that contains the nutrients in which it grew from only to be returned back and become food to provide more nutrients..What goes around comes around..What I did was used a new razor blade and cut as thinly as I could,like you were slicing up some fresh garlic.This way the decomposition process is sped up as it is easier to break down.This takes a while,but I don't mind..Once this soil is hit with an enzyme,it will rip right through everything that was prepared like these roots..Sure,some guys throw all their root balls in a tote and hit them with something like EM-1 to break them down but I don't have many here so I just did it this way.Once done I can just take the pile,toss it back in the soil and walk away.

Figures after I buy a 5 lb bag of Guano I stumble across this..


BuildABloom is BuildASoil's long awaited Amino Acid Formula for Flowering Plants. This is manufactured by the same killer crew that make our Thrive.N amino acid powder and is one of our bestsellers.
The difference? Thrive.N is 15-0-0 and this product just tested at 2-10-5 which is a HUGE number to hit for organic products. We have been searching for a product that will provide available P and K in balance to the plants for years without going to guano, Phosphoric acid or some other product that didn't fit the bill.

The reason it works? The Thrive.N Freeze Dried Fish aminos actually chelate the specialty manufactured product and make the P more available. The results are stunning plant growth and well balanced product that will work through drip lines and foliar sprays.

Ingredients: Premium Freeze Dried Fish Hydrolysate, Micronized Cal-Phos, Soluble Seaweed Extract and Sulfate of Potash. All these ingredients combine to make the ideal availability of organic P for your plants in balance with N and K and Ca.

Most recent analysis shows immediately available 2-10-5 with 20% calcium.

Works in drip systems and foliar sprays or soil amending.

Directions for use:

Use at rate of 1-2 lbs per acre or 1-2 tablespoons per gallon water.

Living soil: 1-2 teaspoons per gallon of water.

Soil-less/hydro: 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water.

Foliar: 1-2 teaspoons per gallon.

6.82 ounces per cup / 3.9 grams per teaspoon
Thought I'd add,the growing environment has been consistent in the tent.

Temps have been 72°F daytime & 68°F nighttime
Humidity has sat right between 35-44% depending on the time of day or the current weather but has been consistently falling in between those.I haven't ran the extraction once since this grow has started.Just some 6 inch fans blowing in opposite directions including from the ceiling down across the canopy to give the leaves a gentle breeze.
Alright guys,I'm going to call it for the shorter pheno..It has been removed from the tent and will receive a few hours of darkness before being chopped at the base and hung for a nice,slow dry period of 10+ days..Could I let it go for another 5 days as my original plan to take it to 75? Sure I can.Will it make a drastic difference? My opinion, probably not.The samples that were tested days ago were on point..Strong head high with a good body that makes your limbs melt..I busted out the loupe earlier today to get a good look at the trichs and what I seen was clear & cloudy, (a lot heavier on the cloudy ) with a few scattered amber here and there..Fan leaves have mostly run out of gas and are starting to fall off on their own,the bud is pungent and sticky as molasses..It's ready in this house.The lankier phenos now have a cob each to themselves and I can open those plants up a little more and let them do their thing.


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Currently watering the larger FC's Day 71..They are getting hit with the following per gallon of water:

2 tsp of Cal/mag or 10 ML
8 drops of castile soap
1/2 tablespoon Stump Tea
1 teaspoon Tealab's [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] inoculant
2 teaspoons of Sugar in the Raw
1 teaspoon Neptune's Harvest 2-4-1
1.25 ML of Mammoth P

I'm just playing with different items I have on hand but this is what they received this round.