Outdoor OREGON GROWN #4 Greenhouse growing in a ruff rural trailer park .

You know you can use CO2 in your Greenhouse kill all them pests you got to have a tank of CO2 you got to be able to bring up your ppm's 8000 for at least 2 hours it'll kill all the adults then you'll have to come back 5 days later and do it again and you may have to do it a third time but it will kill them all it will kill everything in there Google killing pests CO2 all the information is there good luck buddy happy growing

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Sounds interesting I wonder how much it costs to do that thanks friend for the suggestion sounds promising.
Sounds interesting I wonder how much it costs to do that thanks friend for the suggestion sounds promising.
That would depend on how many cubic feet you have inside your Greenhouse you would take your greenhouse and figure out how many cubic feet are in there and then you'd have to get the chart look it up and know how many cubic feet of CO2 you need to replace that all would make it to 8,000 ppm's

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Wondering if you have considered beneficial nematodes as well as companion planting? I have found most herbs cannot tolerate the high greenhouse temps but basil seems to like the heat. The more companion plants the better otherwise you might have to continue spending money to treat infestations rather than attracting beneficial insects. Maybe this is not very good advice if the problem is already out of hand. It takes a very long time to start basil from seed by the way so I would suggest buying starts if you go that route.
Great new growth on several plants all plants appear to be doing well but the ones that are doing the best I will keep an take clones of .Hasn't been warm enough for heat treatments but the spraying has definitely kicked em back the combo of the two will be a winning combo before flower probably drop some predator mites up in there a .calfornus or a .andersoni definitely misspelled those lol.
Wondering if you have considered beneficial nematodes as well as companion planting? I have found most herbs cannot tolerate the high greenhouse temps but basil seems to like the heat. The more companion plants the better otherwise you might have to continue spending money to treat infestations rather than attracting beneficial insects. Maybe this is not very good advice if the problem is already out of hand. It takes a very long time to start basil from seed by the way so I would suggest buying starts if you go that route.
Unfortunately friend there's only a couple beneficial insects that go for broad mites an the testing with those has been very very limited.If they are not native to your area then buying them is the only option .I have thought of growing certain plants that might deter or keep them at bay but in all scientific studies no plant exists to deter broad mites but I have a hypothetical lol experimental I guess idea of running certain plants as a kinda no till idea with the canna probably look into next year .
Hey sounds good maybe you can keep the upper hand on them in the greenhouse:thumbsup:
Yes friend indoor they were an absolute nightmare in the winter time the ability to heat treat isn't an option but I plan on frying em an let em feel the heat broad mites don't like high temps an you get it high enough an they fry .
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