Outdoor OREGON GROWN #4 Greenhouse growing in a ruff rural trailer park .

Skelly of#2
Plants are starting to look better super fast I did lose the cream carmel got a seedsman cheese almost up an sprouted .Will be watching the autos closely I will cull any that can't pull out of the broad mite damage but so far things are looking up fast an the plants are off to the races .
Plants are starting to look better super fast I did lose the cream carmel got a seedsman cheese almost up an sprouted .Will be watching the autos closely I will cull any that can't pull out of the broad mite damage but so far things are looking up fast an the plants are off to the races .
Good news...I saw by some of your pics that things were looking up:d5:
Yes friend there all recovering really well an starting to grow fast to the point I should start looking into lst .The two skellys are starting to grow fast an tall same with the green poison .The gp I thought I would have to cull but has bounced back an zipped up with some nice branches. The peppermint an blue kush responded to the leaf an limb removal by bushing out nicely .I will with all this new growth have to go buy the 12 bags of soil needed to fill the planters 17 to 20 gallon containers use a lot of soil .