Outdoor OREGON GROWN #4 Greenhouse growing in a ruff rural trailer park .

Got a difficult choice the c99 hasn't been to happy in the greenie but the peppermint kush has been loving it I'm limited by a plant count of ten an the new critical2.0 that just popped has got to go an either the peppermint or c99 has to .There are no outside grow reports for the peppermint kush so its a unknown but other then being a tri leaf mutant it's healthy an happy .The c99 on the other hand is showing signs of heat stress an not so happy an its only going to get hotter .peppermint kush or c99.
I guess I'd go with the happy one...that being said I just watched a seedling grow out of a really rough start. Yep tough decision:toke:
That's for sure on days when it's not hot the C99 looks perfect like today no leaf curl nothing but once the temp rises its back to the slight curl all my plants are doing really well an seem to love the greenie I really didn't think I would have such a good germination rate when I cracked the seeds on April 420.
Made the tough decision an gave the c99 to a buddy an will run the mutant peppermint kush she likes the greenhouse conditions better she's an unknown but the stella blue crossed to the Nepal landrace indica ought to be nice .Mid Sept harvest we will see I bet more like Oct.
Looking great bro. Always a slow start when not under lights. Not long and you’ll be out of seedling stage.
T hats foresure friend a lot slower at first in the past I always started em indoors an transplanted out but with the bugs indoors that wasn't an option but I'm super happy to have bug free plants an while it was almost a month later then I started in the past next few months these plants will be filling out this greenie starting to see secondary branches forming on a few an am very excited to start training for a canopy in here .