@BassAce5000 ...when
@hairyman gets back pop into
and you'll get Help/Tips on any JEM/Dragon crosses.
If you work on a cross...start with the Certainty that Both Parents are there ....
...you just need to increase your numbers to Find them.
Or...make mass pollenations to F3...where I find you have the most selection points available....and Work from there.
Also....are you Sure it is Sati you seek......?...when I first used JEM everyone told me the Up Energetic high I was getting was Sati.........tuned out they were wrong...it was Affy....Afghan.
Taken Early/milky it is up and energetic..
Late and over Amber...narcotic.....
(Best for nerve damage problems)
Test harvest buds from 7.5 weeks to find your Sweet Spot...
Good Luck.......