What's up guys!

New here and hoping to learn all kinds of stuff for my first growth!
I'm from Canada btw so hello to my fellow Canadians!


heya @MaskedPlants and :welcome: to afn! :toke: great commune here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

What's up guys!

New here and hoping to learn all kinds of stuff for my first growth!
I'm from Canada btw so hello to my fellow Canadians!

@MaskedPlants :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:You have a growth, you want us to excise that for you. :yoinks: :rofl: Before you get started tell us what growing style you like and we can point you in the right direction. So many new growers show up here with a grow going in the wrong direction. It is good to see you doing the leg work first. We have a thread for Canucks:

Time dial.jpg
@MaskedPlants :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:You have a growth, you want us to excise that for you. :yoinks: :rofl: Before you get started tell us what growing style you like and we can point you in the right direction. So many new growers show up here with a grow going in the wrong direction. It is good to see you doing the leg work first. We have a thread for Canucks:

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Hello hello! Thank you very much!

I made a post in the new growers forum asking a bunch of questions to get me started :joy:
Hopefully you guys will be able to help me out with all those questions!

Hi, im an under the radar grower, been growing and reading AFN for the last 3 years, finally plucked up the courage to post. Been growing autos mostly. Hopefully set up a journal soon.