Hi everyone Highguy here just joining the forum for the first time. Currently siting on my first ever auto grow and also first time LED user. Have done a few grows in the past with HPS in soil and pebbles also in automatic flood and drain systems and have experience with scrog. current grow is ajust 15 days old in a 2.5ftx2.5ft closet with 3.5 auto northern lights lol. under a 600w.287w draw 120-5w diodes LED in 15ltr pots (actually using around 12ltrs of the pot) with canna terra pro+ soil and canna aqua pebbles. using buddhas tree range organicus99,meta boost,pk 9-18 and flora boost.I will also be using LST i started yesterday 24/10.Thanks for having me. i will add a diary if there is a section for it i have a fairly detailed 1 on a different forum i will add it here. if i can help i will and if anyone wants to offer advice feel free im always open to suggestions.happy growing :headbang::smoking:


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Hi everyone Highguy here just joining the forum for the first time. Currently siting on my first ever auto grow and also first time LED user. Have done a few grows in the past with HPS in soil and pebbles also in automatic flood and drain systems and have experience with scrog. current grow is a 2.5ftx2.5ft closet grow with 4 auto northern lights 3 under a 600w.287w draw 120-5w diodes LED in 15ltr pots (actually using around 12ltrs of the pot) with canna terra pro+ soil and canna aqua pebbles. using buddhas tree range organicus99,meta boost,pk 9-18 and flora boost.Thanks for having me. i will add a diary if there is a section for it i have a fairly detailed 1 on a different forum i will add it here. if i can help i will and if anyone wants to offer advice feel free im always open to suggestions.happy growing :headbang::smoking:
nice to meet you growmie and yes there's a new growers section and I'm pretty sure you will like it here it very laid back on afn
nice to meet you growmie and yes there's a new growers section and I'm pretty sure you will like it here it very laid back on afn

Hey tom "growmie" haha i like that 1. brilliant i will check that out and see whats in there. yes i have been using the forum for reference as its 1 of the most returned search results on google when asking questions. so i decided to join. :) i just grow for myself so its nice to have any info i can read :) thanks for the welcome man
Hey tom "growmie" haha i like that 1. brilliant i will check that out and see whats in there. yes i have been using the forum for reference as its 1 of the most returned search results on google when asking questions. so i decided to join. :) i just grow for myself so its nice to have any info i can read :) thanks for the welcome man
if i know for certain your a bloke i would always go with growbro and there's tons of info on here and plenty of good advice if you ever have problems
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    points: 20
    Doing a great job here St Tom..Cheers
Greetings to all! I’ve been lurking around for a month or two now, and made a post with a question about my light a couple weeks back, but wanted to say “hi” and introduce myself properly. So here I am. I hope this is still the right place for intros.

I am brand new to indoor growing, and this will be my first personal grow. I do have some experience helping tend outdoor photos, but was never in a decision making position while helping care for them. I’m a lifelong “MichigEnt”, formerly from the Michigan/Indiana/Ohio border area, currently calling the western tip of the Upper Peninsula home. My dream goal is to build a large heated greenhouse and to become at least somewhat self-sufficient, and possibly start some photo-to-auto projects utilizing landrace ruderalis genetics to cross with some of my favorite photo periods.

I currently have 2 autos coming into the last day of their second week. Both are Alien Moonrocks by Twisted Tree Autoflowers, a Michigan based breeder. I’m growing in a Gorilla Grow Tent 2x4 regular series, which included the 1’ extension, but I’m not currently using that. I’ve got a Mars Hydro TSL-2000 and I’m loving it so far. It was a bit confusing initially, for me, because I am not tech-minded AT ALL. But after some digging online and asking the right questions (hard to do when you don’t even know the proper verbiage!) I got the information I needed and pressed forward. I just ordered the AC Infinity Cloudline T4 and matching carbon filter. Those should be up and running by next weekend, depending on shipping delays.

I’m using 5 gallon fabric pots, non-branded. I found a 5-pack on Amazon and the price was mid-range based on what Amazon was showing me, so I ordered. I think when it’s time to order again, I’ll be looking at Spring-Pot brand, or similar. These were an absolute pain to fill and get shaped. Still not convinced after 2 waterings, plus the initial soak, that all the air pockets in the bottom are gone.

I was able to source Michigan Made Mix M3 “water only” super soil at a hydro shop up here. I’ve heard amazing things about this soil, so I wanted to give it a try. I also heard that it can be a tad-bit hot for seedlings, so I grabbed a small bag of Fox Farms Happy Frog and made a Solo-Cup size buffer zone in the center of the pot, for the seedlings. Rinsed and added some perlite to the FFHF, but not the M3, as I’ve heard from others that have used it that it has enough. I’m adding perlite next time. Definitely adding perlite next time. While mixing up my soil pre-plant, I added some Bigfoot brand granular (NOT concentrated) mycorrhizae in generous amounts. Not crazy insane generous, but probably 30-50% more than the recommended amount. Says right on the bag that too little will mean less benefits, but too much won’t hurt. I’ll go for the later, just to be sure.

I decided to “trust the process” and follow nature’s lead, and went with direct to soil germination. Both were up within 60 hours, probably closer to 48. Prior to that I did give them a 3% hydrogen peroxide bath, then a 12 hour soak in distilled water at about 75 degrees, kept dark, to soften the hulls a bit, since these seeds were tiny. Like, seriously, the smallest mature cannabis seeds I’ve ever encountered. Maybe it’s an auto thing? I dunno. They both popped with NO issues, so I’m happy, and they seem to be happy as well.

Well, I think that’s it. Actually, that’s probably more than enough, but oh well. I don’t get to talk about growing much in my day-to-day, and lately my wife thinks I’m turning into a plant because all I talk about is plants and growing plants and what plants I want to grow and the plants we should avoid growing and which plants turn which colors and which plants can express certain mutations etc. Sorry. I’m just happy to be here. I really need a mentor. Who feels up for that challenge? I talk A LOT, but I also listen well, and I promise I am not, and never will be, an “askhole”. I second-guess myself constantly, even after researching something to the point of boredom. I need confidence, which I realize takes time, but it also takes validation. To be able to say to someone “Hey, I noticed this with (insert plant name here), and was thinking (insert idea/solution here) might help/fix it” and be told I’m right, would go a LOOOOOONG way to helping build that confidence. And if I’m not entirely right, or completely wrong, or whatever in between, to have a resource available to point me in the right direction without spoon-feeding me the answers or solution I need would also help. I’m not looking for a hand holding experience, so much as the occasional hand to steady myself with, if that makes sense.

Again, I’m happy to be here, and in time I hope to be a contributing member of this community and the autoflower community as a whole. If you’re interested in mentoring me as some sort of personal challenge or to test yourself or just to do one last deed of greatness to finish out the year, please feel free to shoot me a DM or mail or whatever it’s called here. I probably won’t see a chat message, as I’m usually on my phone to access the site. So if you reach out that way and I don’t respond, please tag me here in a comment or send a mail. Thank you for taking the time to read all this. Wishing you all good growing and happy (frosty) harvests!
Hi, I’m new to AFN.

my name is grematore and I’m currently growing 2 Zkittlez Auto from Fastbuds in a 2x4.

third grow here, first with coco.

since now I just kept reading silently, now I want to be part of this community asking for help and advices.

Hi everyone Highguy here just joining the forum for the first time. Currently siting on my first ever auto grow and also first time LED user. Have done a few grows in the past with HPS in soil and pebbles also in automatic flood and drain systems and have experience with scrog. current grow is ajust 15 days old in a 2.5ftx2.5ft closet with 3.5 auto northern lights lol. under a 600w.287w draw 120-5w diodes LED in 15ltr pots (actually using around 12ltrs of the pot) with canna terra pro+ soil and canna aqua pebbles. using buddhas tree range organicus99,meta boost,pk 9-18 and flora boost.I will also be using LST i started yesterday 24/10.Thanks for having me. i will add a diary if there is a section for it i have a fairly detailed 1 on a different forum i will add it here. if i can help i will and if anyone wants to offer advice feel free im always open to suggestions.happy growing :headbang::smoking:
Greetings to all! I’ve been lurking around for a month or two now, and made a post with a question about my light a couple weeks back, but wanted to say “hi” and introduce myself properly. So here I am. I hope this is still the right place for intros.

I am brand new to indoor growing, and this will be my first personal grow. I do have some experience helping tend outdoor photos, but was never in a decision making position while helping care for them. I’m a lifelong “MichigEnt”, formerly from the Michigan/Indiana/Ohio border area, currently calling the western tip of the Upper Peninsula home. My dream goal is to build a large heated greenhouse and to become at least somewhat self-sufficient, and possibly start some photo-to-auto projects utilizing landrace ruderalis genetics to cross with some of my favorite photo periods.

I currently have 2 autos coming into the last day of their second week. Both are Alien Moonrocks by Twisted Tree Autoflowers, a Michigan based breeder. I’m growing in a Gorilla Grow Tent 2x4 regular series, which included the 1’ extension, but I’m not currently using that. I’ve got a Mars Hydro TSL-2000 and I’m loving it so far. It was a bit confusing initially, for me, because I am not tech-minded AT ALL. But after some digging online and asking the right questions (hard to do when you don’t even know the proper verbiage!) I got the information I needed and pressed forward. I just ordered the AC Infinity Cloudline T4 and matching carbon filter. Those should be up and running by next weekend, depending on shipping delays.

I’m using 5 gallon fabric pots, non-branded. I found a 5-pack on Amazon and the price was mid-range based on what Amazon was showing me, so I ordered. I think when it’s time to order again, I’ll be looking at Spring-Pot brand, or similar. These were an absolute pain to fill and get shaped. Still not convinced after 2 waterings, plus the initial soak, that all the air pockets in the bottom are gone.

I was able to source Michigan Made Mix M3 “water only” super soil at a hydro shop up here. I’ve heard amazing things about this soil, so I wanted to give it a try. I also heard that it can be a tad-bit hot for seedlings, so I grabbed a small bag of Fox Farms Happy Frog and made a Solo-Cup size buffer zone in the center of the pot, for the seedlings. Rinsed and added some perlite to the FFHF, but not the M3, as I’ve heard from others that have used it that it has enough. I’m adding perlite next time. Definitely adding perlite next time. While mixing up my soil pre-plant, I added some Bigfoot brand granular (NOT concentrated) mycorrhizae in generous amounts. Not crazy insane generous, but probably 30-50% more than the recommended amount. Says right on the bag that too little will mean less benefits, but too much won’t hurt. I’ll go for the later, just to be sure.

I decided to “trust the process” and follow nature’s lead, and went with direct to soil germination. Both were up within 60 hours, probably closer to 48. Prior to that I did give them a 3% hydrogen peroxide bath, then a 12 hour soak in distilled water at about 75 degrees, kept dark, to soften the hulls a bit, since these seeds were tiny. Like, seriously, the smallest mature cannabis seeds I’ve ever encountered. Maybe it’s an auto thing? I dunno. They both popped with NO issues, so I’m happy, and they seem to be happy as well.

Well, I think that’s it. Actually, that’s probably more than enough, but oh well. I don’t get to talk about growing much in my day-to-day, and lately my wife thinks I’m turning into a plant because all I talk about is plants and growing plants and what plants I want to grow and the plants we should avoid growing and which plants turn which colors and which plants can express certain mutations etc. Sorry. I’m just happy to be here. I really need a mentor. Who feels up for that challenge? I talk A LOT, but I also listen well, and I promise I am not, and never will be, an “askhole”. I second-guess myself constantly, even after researching something to the point of boredom. I need confidence, which I realize takes time, but it also takes validation. To be able to say to someone “Hey, I noticed this with (insert plant name here), and was thinking (insert idea/solution here) might help/fix it” and be told I’m right, would go a LOOOOOONG way to helping build that confidence. And if I’m not entirely right, or completely wrong, or whatever in between, to have a resource available to point me in the right direction without spoon-feeding me the answers or solution I need would also help. I’m not looking for a hand holding experience, so much as the occasional hand to steady myself with, if that makes sense.

Again, I’m happy to be here, and in time I hope to be a contributing member of this community and the autoflower community as a whole. If you’re interested in mentoring me as some sort of personal challenge or to test yourself or just to do one last deed of greatness to finish out the year, please feel free to shoot me a DM or mail or whatever it’s called here. I probably won’t see a chat message, as I’m usually on my phone to access the site. So if you reach out that way and I don’t respond, please tag me here in a comment or send a mail. Thank you for taking the time to read all this. Wishing you all good growing and happy (frosty) harvests!
Hi, I’m new to AFN.

my name is grematore and I’m currently growing 2 Zkittlez Auto from Fastbuds in a 2x4.

third grow here, first with coco.

since now I just kept reading silently, now I want to be part of this community asking for help and advices.


heya @Highguy87420 @drspingroon @grematore and :welcome: all to afn! :toke: best canna commune on the web here & anything u need, jus give a holler & happee Halloweed! :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

Hi guys and gals! My name is Morbid and I live in a warzone...Beautiful group of humans here!! I scoured the net for a site full of good info and good people. What I found was egos and bullshit! Thank Zod I found you guys! No ego trips. Just lots of love and helping hands. Thanks for letting me join.
Hi guys and gals! My name is Morbid and I live in a warzone...Beautiful group of humans here!! I scoured the net for a site full of good info and good people. What I found was egos and bullshit! Thank Zod I found you guys! No ego trips. Just lots of love and helping hands. Thanks for letting me join.

heya @Morbid and :welcome: to afn! :toke: long story short, fear not, becuz egoz & bullshit are not tolerated here, plain & simple :redcross: it'z all about keepin a m e l l o w vibe, so enjoy ur time here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:
