Howdy. Brand new here, but have been stumbling across this forum for months now as I embark on my first grow. I'm about a week into my second (and hopefully first successful) grow. Stocked up on a bunch of Mephisto strains and have a single 3 Bears seedling in my tent just now. (Started with an NCH also, but she didn't survive my sprout method)

Anyway, thanks for the advice I've gleaned here already. I'm a fan of the auto variety and plan to grow many more before my first photo. Hope to contribute a bit; or at least share details of my grow once it gets off the ground.


heya @olegren and :welcome: to afn! :toke: great commune here with a nice, mellow vibe & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

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Hello. About to start my first grow (dwc) and am grateful for this resourse. Starting with FB Green Crack auto in a superlocker. Just here to learn. Thanks!
Hello. About to start my first grow (dwc) and am grateful for this resourse. Starting with FB Green Crack auto in a superlocker. Just here to learn. Thanks!

heya @mwilliams2006 and :welcome: to afn! :toke: best auto site on the web to learn from right here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

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Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. The vibe here is great. Much better that the other forums, eapecially for novices.
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. The vibe here is great. Much better that the other forums, eapecially for novices.
Welcome to AFN, The vibe is good here now don't mess it up! :))