Hi AFN. Figured I would introduce myself. I smoked recreationally during University about 20 years ago and only recently started back again after Government legalized it here. Back when I used to smoke I didn't know sativas from indicas and just grabbed whatever 'my guy' could get. When legalization was announced I started researching the different strains, types, effects etc. which lead me to Leafly which lead me to articles about how it was grown, photo-periods vs autoflowers and then eventually here! :biggrin:

I started purchasing 3-4 different strains I recognized (based on the names from decades ago) from OCS in 1g sizes and would 'partake' on a weekend here and there making sure to note the different strains I like based on effect, taste etc. It was definitely a fun 'experiment'. I consider myself a casual-recreational user (maybe 5-8x a month). I don't drink alcohol/beer, but now that weed is legal here I enjoy smoking (although now I vape more often) when going out with friends for dinner, entertainment, camping, bbq's or just hanging out at home. Where they would have a few glasses of wine or a couple of beers I still get to have a little fun/buzz but with have a few hits off my vape instead (and no hangovers! :thumbsup:).

Other than shortages of some of my preferred strains from OCS/local dispensary, I have had a good experience with the handling of legalization here. Sure the price can be a bit high, but I was fine with that based on the amount I use. What has been discouraging lately is the quality of the product. I find it either very dry, short on weight or both. I haven't used my grinder in months unless I wanted to make 'weed dust'. Not wanting to deal with finding a new 'my guy' I started thinking of starting my own grow. After months of reading articles on this site, checking out grow journals, reading every post in the Infirmary in hope to better prepare myself I bit the bullet! and I'm a couple of weeks into my first grow. Except for some nerves, impatience and and some over-watering the first 5-6 days, it has been going pretty good (knock on wood). I'll look into setting up a grow journal in the near future (and how to link it in my signature... lol).

With that long intro out of the way (sorry!), I just want to say Thanks! for the wealth of information I've already gained from this site and its' members that I feel has better prepared me.
Hi AFN. Figured I would introduce myself. I smoked recreationally during University about 20 years ago and only recently started back again after Government legalized it here. Back when I used to smoke I didn't know sativas from indicas and just grabbed whatever 'my guy' could get. When legalization was announced I started researching the different strains, types, effects etc. which lead me to Leafly which lead me to articles about how it was grown, photo-periods vs autoflowers and then eventually here! :biggrin:

I started purchasing 3-4 different strains I recognized (based on the names from decades ago) from OCS in 1g sizes and would 'partake' on a weekend here and there making sure to note the different strains I like based on effect, taste etc. It was definitely a fun 'experiment'. I consider myself a casual-recreational user (maybe 5-8x a month). I don't drink alcohol/beer, but now that weed is legal here I enjoy smoking (although now I vape more often) when going out with friends for dinner, entertainment, camping, bbq's or just hanging out at home. Where they would have a few glasses of wine or a couple of beers I still get to have a little fun/buzz but with have a few hits off my vape instead (and no hangovers! :thumbsup:).

Other than shortages of some of my preferred strains from OCS/local dispensary, I have had a good experience with the handling of legalization here. Sure the price can be a bit high, but I was fine with that based on the amount I use. What has been discouraging lately is the quality of the product. I find it either very dry, short on weight or both. I haven't used my grinder in months unless I wanted to make 'weed dust'. Not wanting to deal with finding a new 'my guy' I started thinking of starting my own grow. After months of reading articles on this site, checking out grow journals, reading every post in the Infirmary in hope to better prepare myself I bit the bullet! and I'm a couple of weeks into my first grow. Except for some nerves, impatience and and some over-watering the first 5-6 days, it has been going pretty good (knock on wood). I'll look into setting up a grow journal in the near future (and how to link it in my signature... lol).

With that long intro out of the way (sorry!), I just want to say Thanks! for the wealth of information I've already gained from this site and its' members that I feel has better prepared me.

Welcome~ :bighug:
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Hey guys, first-time grower here. Still waiting on my auto seeds in the mail and finishing up all my purchasing in the next few days before they arrive. I've got a lot of questions that I can't really find solid answers for on google. While searching I'd constantly find myself back here to different threads so I figured I may as well make an account so I can ask my questions directly and hopefully avoid any errors due to lack of preparation and knowledge. Just waiting for account approval so i can actually post threads.
Hey guys, first-time grower here. Still waiting on my auto seeds in the mail and finishing up all my purchasing in the next few days before they arrive. I've got a lot of questions that I can't really find solid answers for on google. While searching I'd constantly find myself back here to different threads so I figured I may as well make an account so I can ask my questions directly and hopefully avoid any errors due to lack of preparation and knowledge. Just waiting for account approval so i can actually post threads.

heya @MrLahey and :welcome: to afn! :toke: u've found the best auto site on the planet, with a great commune to help u get dialed in, and anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

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Hey guys, first-time grower here. Still waiting on my auto seeds in the mail and finishing up all my purchasing in the next few days before they arrive. I've got a lot of questions that I can't really find solid answers for on google. While searching I'd constantly find myself back here to different threads so I figured I may as well make an account so I can ask my questions directly and hopefully avoid any errors due to lack of preparation and knowledge. Just waiting for account approval so i can actually post threads.
@MrLahey Welcome to AFN :welcome:. You will find many proven techniques for growing autoflowering cannabis here. We will hopefully be able to answer all of your questions and keep you on the path to success.

If you have not grown indoors, outdoors and even with a lot of gardening experience it can be a steep learning curve. You are in charge of the plants entire life support system. There is a lot to it, until you do it Then there is nothing to it. Don't be discouraged if you hit a speed bump. It happens to all of us more often then we like to admit.

Welcome to AFN where we grow farmers:vibe:.
Hey all, first timer here with a tent of autos, 3 different strains, definitely bit off more than i can chew! Only wanted two strains and two of each but ended up with more due to them all germinating including the freebies!

Having a few issues, so will create a topic for some advice!

Looking forwards to enjoying the forums!

Hey all, first timer here with a tent of autos, 3 different strains, definitely bit off more than i can chew! Only wanted two strains and two of each but ended up with more due to them all germinating including the freebies!

Having a few issues, so will create a topic for some advice!

Looking forwards to enjoying the forums!

Welcome to the AFN, @3ngg!
Hey all, first timer here with a tent of autos, 3 different strains, definitely bit off more than i can chew! Only wanted two strains and two of each but ended up with more due to them all germinating including the freebies!

Having a few issues, so will create a topic for some advice!

Looking forwards to enjoying the forums!


heya @3ngg and :welcome: to afn! :toke: great commune here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

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Howdy. Brand new here, but have been stumbling across this forum for months now as I embark on my first grow. I'm about a week into my second (and hopefully first successful) grow. Stocked up on a bunch of Mephisto strains and have a single 3 Bears seedling in my tent just now. (Started with an NCH also, but she didn't survive my sprout method)

Anyway, thanks for the advice I've gleaned here already. I'm a fan of the auto variety and plan to grow many more before my first photo. Hope to contribute a bit; or at least share details of my grow once it gets off the ground.

Howdy. Brand new here, but have been stumbling across this forum for months now as I embark on my first grow. I'm about a week into my second (and hopefully first successful) grow. Stocked up on a bunch of Mephisto strains and have a single 3 Bears seedling in my tent just now. (Started with an NCH also, but she didn't survive my sprout method)

Anyway, thanks for the advice I've gleaned here already. I'm a fan of the auto variety and plan to grow many more before my first photo. Hope to contribute a bit; or at least share details of my grow once it gets off the ground.

Welcome @olegren!..I recognize you from that 'other site' ..ya know, the one where arguments break out left and right and the same questions keep getting asked over and over again. Glad to see that you made it to 'the other side'.
Welcome @olegren!..I recognize you from that 'other site' ..ya know, the one where arguments break out left and right and the same questions keep getting asked over and over again. Glad to see that you made it to 'the other side'.

Hah - Thanks! Yeah, I definitely learn a lot on those forums, but it feels like the wild west sometimes. (I read the GPS thread instead of watch TV sometimes) Happy to be here!