Hello everyone, i have been lurking here for a while and i must say, i am enjoying the vibe.

I'm currently living in Bangkok Thailand. Been growing autos on my balcony for about a year. I thought I was getting the hang of things until i realized i was getting some 5 grams per plant. A haul of 12 grams is probably my biggest so far, and I am beginning to get frustrated.

I have a western facing balcony with bright direct light for about 6 hours a day. I want to grow totally organically. I am willing to take sacrifice huge yields for peace of mind that i didn't use any chemicals. But 12 grams is unacceptable. I can see that people can grow so much more. I am going to start documenting my grows for you all. Peace out.

heya @Nwms and :welcome: to afn! :toke: me own first reaction is that if they're only gettin 6 hrz of light a day, that'z def not enuff :nono: i'd also suggest firin up a thread over in new growerz q&a, givin us all the detailz u can think of as to ur grow situ & we'll see if we can't get ya dialed in better ;) meanwhile, anything else u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

hi and welcome :pass: and welcome to autos :smokeit:
il shoot over to your grow now for a ganzie :coffee:
good luck n keep er lit
Hi, thanks for that.There ain't too much happening yet am patiently waiting for the sprouts to sprout in the propagator.Will post an update shortly:cheers:
Hi to all at AFN I'm new here and new to autos just started my first grow:chimp:

heya @Milaneer and :welcome: to afn! :toke: best site in the world right here for any & all auto knowledge, and anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

thanks for that 420 forever,I'm still tryin to navigate my way around,and sort out my blog page.Will have it all in hand shortly.
What's up everyone! New here, I'm the Director of Cultivation Sciences over at Scynce LED and @Scynce.Cultivation on IG. This site is awesome, I've been growing photo's for years production and personal. Doing a ton of trials with Autos now a days and you guys have so much awesome info on here. Looking forward to chopping it up with all of ya. :headbang:
What's up everyone! New here, I'm the Director of Cultivation Sciences over at Scynce LED and @Scynce.Cultivation on IG. This site is awesome, I've been growing photo's for years production and personal. Doing a ton of trials with Autos now a days and you guys have so much awesome info on here. Looking forward to chopping it up with all of ya. :headbang:

heya @Scynce Grown and :welcome: to afn! :toke: autoz are the future & the future is now! :shooty: anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :bong:
heya @Nwms and :welcome: to afn! :toke: me own first reaction is that if they're only gettin 6 hrz of light a day, that'z def not enuff :nono: i'd also suggest firin up a thread over in new growerz q&a, givin us all the detailz u can think of as to ur grow situ & we'll see if we can't get ya dialed in better ;) meanwhile, anything else u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

I will dwf sit down ans write a through post, just gotta get through this week. But keep in mind that although I don't have direct light, it's Thailand. It is SUPER bright here, and i have read accounts of people yielding decent hauls in shady areas.
Hello, all! I have been growing for a little over 3 months. Have harvested 10 plants so far and have several running at different stages now. I created this account a while back but never introduced myself. I'm an Air Force vet and have wanted to grow for 25 years. So amazing that I finally have the opportunity and it's been so therapeutic for me. Having a great time and trying to learn as much as possible. These forums have been an amazing resource. Many thanks!