Indoor Mephisto Sour Livers (blues) Last Chance Auto's

I did tell you last week that your worry is like a disease and that i'm catching it :pass::crying:

Eh don't you go shouldering none of the blame, after some more thought I think I am going to bring this to Mephisto's attention. Over 50% is just too high for me to leave alone, I think on any strain where the possibility that over 10% of the beans will not match the advertised description a warning should be given and where some may take 20% longer than specified this becomes even more important. The biggest problem to anyone suggesting problems with the grow is this, the sour livers are right on time and the sour livers have the same advertised finish time. For me to have caused that many issues that the CDLC would be so many weeks behind the sour livers would mean that they have been so abused they should look disgusting but looking at them and the root zone you can see this is not the case. DWC is a beast to its own mate, the coco won't be slowing the plant down I really do just think there are so many of them that take 90 days. I will make a post to mephisto see if they would like some pics and see what they say, its good that they will be able to see my thread so that they know I have an idea of what I'm doing and not a greenhand.

if you are running 350w for 3 and I run 600w for 6 you are running more wattage per plant :worship: Lighting has as much to do with the spectrum of light as it does the intensity so the scientists tell us haha for budding nothing beats HPS as far as I am concerned and all the major farmers around the world who use artificial light seem to agree. I may get a MH bulb for the veg on the next cycle, using a different bulb does scare me slightly tho. Yeah after this 90 day slog I will definitely be doing the Sour Crack next cycle and I guarantee you that they are well and truly done within 70 days :thumbsup: I will definitely be asking mephisto if they know of any of there other strains that can go way beyond the advertised time frame so that I can avoid them. The trouble with all this talk of things taking longer is I have grown many many auto's from different breeders, I used to love the Dark Devil by sweet seeds, 9 Weeks everytime would produce some lovely results, I ran this strain for 2 years with an average of 4 zips a plant, it was only really the potency that made me look for stronger auto's. So i tried the auto lemon haze from Pheno finders which was a total joke, I contacted the main breeder because I have spoken with him a few times in Amsterdam and he said "go to Mephisto bro" and here we are. After your Tangie tho I am thinking after the Sour Crack I will try some different breeders, it looks awesome :drool: and the smell reports you are giving make my mouth wet.

To add to this I have a new problem haha I think I have 5 Sour livers but that shouldn't be possible unless I was really fucked when I potted these seeds :crying:
2 of those are labelled as CDLC just to make things even more confusing..............So tomorrow I am going to take pics of the 2 that are labelled as CDLC and see what you think.
These 5 regardless of what they are will be harvested on day 65 as the Sour Livers (crack pheno) is getting so fat and dense that it is worrying me and I don't want to put more than 6 in half the room. This will give the 2 CDLC that are the strongest smelling that could be took at 80 days will be given as much time as I can give them.

After all the messing I think it will be worth it tho mate, looking at the two that are ahead and the 4 that are now starting to come on nicely I think these may be the best auto smoke I have had.

We don't do mistakes, What we do is learn :cooldance:

i just leave a trail of worry and panic behind wherever i go :crying:

i don't think anyone would say in you've caused any delays at all with your CDLC's mate. it does seem strange she's listed as a 65-70 day finisher, when i pop my next one i will expect a full 90 day lifetime. just a bugger it messes up your grow style and i'm sure there are others whom rely on timely finishes too.

i did not know you were so well versed in autos already though! for some reason i thought you'd given them a round before and weren't too impressed, hence the dozen Livers run was the "last chance". didn't know you've been busting out 4 wizard :wiz: autos for years already! :haha: fair play matey

how you've managed to get them all mixed up i'll never know :LOLStoned: but shouldn't be tough to figure them all out in the next week or so as their odours really show, should be like chalk and cheese.

plenty of other gear out there to get your teeth stuck in to mate. the Mephisto catalogue just keeps reeling me in - if the missus hadn't requested a Tangie then i doubt i would have looked elsewhere yet, there's just too much appeal there for me, and the result i got with the CDLC as officially the first thing i ever grew was above my expectations (even if the Grape was small (my fault) and the Sour Livers had those weird buds (probably my fault) so i'd like to work my way through their stuff. like this Ripley's...started smelling like public toilets yesterday - you know, that overly strong fruity solvent that hits the back of your throat where they've stacked up a decades worth of urinal biscuits. needless to say i'm incredibly excited about that one.

if your CDLC really have that sour Stardawg taste to them i'll be so jealous. mine has the smell of the 'dawg but much more plastic/chem taste. i think you'll find it worth the hassle.

Forgot to add for the first time in about 10 years I am going to be drying de-stemmed on a rack, I don't really have much choice as I don't have anywhere to attach string to hang up arms of bud but i'm hoping that the sides of the rack will help shield the fruits of my labour from any light that leaks through the sheeting.

fingers crossed it works out well mate. goes to show how organised i am with drying when i'm clearing out the missus' wardrobe just hours before i have to cut a plant down for hanging. i feel like i'm winging it a bit but the gauges suggested it's low twenties in there with humidity up around 55% (thanks wet weather please stay :eek2:) so i'll have a peek after work and see how she's holding up. worried the central heating might suck the life outta her but we will see. i have to have something to worry about don't i?


I am excited to see this, you smashed that lady out of the park mate Superb Job :worship: Your skills are coming on leaps and bounds :toke:

mate very kind of you to say. she looked a bit of a mess versus the first round, but i think she'll give some quality buds that should hopefully be all around better than the first harvest - training allowed for more well-formed buds and less popcorn down below, and she seems to have matured better with some nice amber trichs.

i'm hoping the switch to new medium will be the first big game changer in my growing adventures. just be sure to smack me round the back of the head if you see me doing anything particularly dumb :baked: still very much a noob!
Day 56
So its been a strange one, due to the different stages of the plants some of them are showing slight toxicity and some are showing slight deficiency and some are perfect. Not really something to worry about as it is not very severe. I could maybe take the 2 strongest smelling chem pheno CDLC at around day 70 but since 4 of the CDLC will be going over 80 days I think I will just push them as far as I can and hope the gods look kindly upon me. Currently feeding 7 at a strength of 50ml A + B 10ml bloom stim and 10ml bloombastic, the other 4, 1 of which I plan to take down by Sunday (livers heavy crack pheno) are all being flushed with plain non ph'd water.

As I have been discussing with @Froot n Fuel I have messed things up and am a little confused as to which strain some actually are. Hopefully Froot and anyone else who comes by can give me a hand as each time I look I get even more confused. One which looks like big and daft from the last cycle, I had down as sour livers for sure and then today I smell it and it is starting to smell kind of chem and it is labelled as chem so I am scratching my head again. I think I will start a help thread and hopefully get some help from a real mephisto expert,someone like @archie gemmill "Cough, Cough" :bighug:

If Archie ain't a member I'm sure he can help me find them..........

Best CDLC.jpg
My Favourite CDLC so frosty and so stinky

90 day cdlc 2.jpg
One of the CDLC that will take 90 days, you can see the total difference in structure
90 day CDLC.jpg
Another CDLc that will take 90 days, starting to bulk up nicely and letting out some lovely frost.
labelled livers but 100% cdlc.jpg
Had this labelled as a Livers but is 100% a CDLC, Stinks to high heavens.
livers crack pheno.jpg
Sour Livers (crack pheno) The most perfect round dense buds I have seen in a while, I am in Love!!
livers crack pheno #2.jpg
close up of the sour livers ~(crack pheno)

Now we come to the part where I need your help, I have took pictures of both of the plants that are confusing me the most, one close up and one of the whole plant.
CDLC or livers 2.jpg

CDLC or livers 3.jpg
CDLC or Livers 4.jpg

The structure of [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] really reminds me of the big and daft Sour livers I did on the last cycle but looking at some pics of chemdogging it does resemble that somewhat, I guess when it comes down and dry I should certainly be able to tell. I think being ill is really having an effect on my sense of smell tbh.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the snow if your in the UK :smoking:


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View attachment 1008023 My Favourite CDLC so frosty and so stinky

View attachment 1008021One of the CDLC that will take 90 days, you can see the total difference in structureView attachment 1008022Another CDLc that will take 90 days, starting to bulk up nicely and letting out some lovely frost.View attachment 1008029Had this labelled as a Livers but is 100% a CDLC, Stinks to high heavens.View attachment 1008031Sour Livers (crack pheno) The most perfect round dense buds I have seen in a while, I am in Love!!View attachment 1008030close up of the sour livers ~(crack pheno)

Now we come to the part where I need your help, I have took pictures of both of the plants that are confusing me the most, one close up and one of the whole plant.
View attachment 1008027 CDLC or SOUR LIVERS [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]View attachment 1008024
View attachment 1008025 CDLC or SOUR LIVERS [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]View attachment 1008026

The structure of [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] really reminds me of the big and daft Sour livers I did on the last cycle but looking at some pics of chemdogging it does resemble that somewhat, I guess when it comes down and dry I should certainly be able to tell. I think being ill is really having an effect on my sense of smell tbh.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the snow if your in the UK :smoking:
I would say first is livers and second is cdlc. Just because all sour strains are typically shorter and faster. Top pic looks to be nearing the end and second is still in full flower mode. Either way since to notch smoke and growing!
i just leave a trail of worry and panic behind wherever i go :crying:

i don't think anyone would say in you've caused any delays at all with your CDLC's mate. it does seem strange she's listed as a 65-70 day finisher, when i pop my next one i will expect a full 90 day lifetime. just a bugger it messes up your grow style and i'm sure there are others whom rely on timely finishes too.

i did not know you were so well versed in autos already though! for some reason i thought you'd given them a round before and weren't too impressed, hence the dozen Livers run was the "last chance". didn't know you've been busting out 4 wizard :wiz: autos for years already! :haha: fair play matey

how you've managed to get them all mixed up i'll never know :LOLStoned: but shouldn't be tough to figure them all out in the next week or so as their odours really show, should be like chalk and cheese.

plenty of other gear out there to get your teeth stuck in to mate. the Mephisto catalogue just keeps reeling me in - if the missus hadn't requested a Tangie then i doubt i would have looked elsewhere yet, there's just too much appeal there for me, and the result i got with the CDLC as officially the first thing i ever grew was above my expectations (even if the Grape was small (my fault) and the Sour Livers had those weird buds (probably my fault) so i'd like to work my way through their stuff. like this Ripley's...started smelling like public toilets yesterday - you know, that overly strong fruity solvent that hits the back of your throat where they've stacked up a decades worth of urinal biscuits. needless to say i'm incredibly excited about that one.

if your CDLC really have that sour Stardawg taste to them i'll be so jealous. mine has the smell of the 'dawg but much more plastic/chem taste. i think you'll find it worth the hassle.

fingers crossed it works out well mate. goes to show how organised i am with drying when i'm clearing out the missus' wardrobe just hours before i have to cut a plant down for hanging. i feel like i'm winging it a bit but the gauges suggested it's low twenties in there with humidity up around 55% (thanks wet weather please stay :eek2:) so i'll have a peek after work and see how she's holding up. worried the central heating might suck the life outta her but we will see. i have to have something to worry about don't i?

mate very kind of you to say. she looked a bit of a mess versus the first round, but i think she'll give some quality buds that should hopefully be all around better than the first harvest - training allowed for more well-formed buds and less popcorn down below, and she seems to have matured better with some nice amber trichs.

i'm hoping the switch to new medium will be the first big game changer in my growing adventures. just be sure to smack me round the back of the head if you see me doing anything particularly dumb :baked: still very much a noob!

I think maybe just a little delay on the days I couldn't be bothered to water down the feed for the slow CDLC's. Thats how I first noticed the problem they just didn't increase their nutrient uptake like everything else did but like you say if I did It won't be anything major certainly not 20 days major haha I hope so mate one of those that I was sure was a Livers is smelling chem to me now :confused1:
It is definitely a pain but I can manage and I'm sure I learn a few things too, for better or worse haha.

Oh yeah I was really into them, I just needed something that could compete with some real nice photo strains and we both know mephisto have that covered :smoking:
Well at first I didn't label them I just put them into different spots on the table I use to keep them off the cold floor while germing, the space was a little tight tho, so then 2 didn't pop and I thought they were both livers so dropped another CDLC. It is highly likely in that time I mixed up some of the pots and or it was a CDLC that didn't pop. I usually have a near photographic memory so I am rather concerned at how clueless I am :crying:

They will definitely be worth the hassle no doubt about it but I will be trying my best not to get into this again, it is taking time away from tlc with the girls where I should be taking leaves and any more arms that try popping up.

I am joining you mate, you gave me the itch so the Sour Livers crack pheno will be coming down before sunday and I'm going to hang it in the kitchen cupboard. I think I am going to take one or two each time just so the trim doesn't go taking me 20 hrs again :nono:

That is how I want my girls to look at the end mate shows she has had a proper flush and the buds well they are juicy :drool: they have that bulging look like my sour livers crack does, where you think is it going to fox tail.....Nope its swelling like a broken ankle on steroids....delicious
I would say first is livers and second is cdlc. Just because all sour strains are typically shorter and faster. Top pic looks to be nearing the end and second is still in full flower mode. Either way since to notch smoke and growing!
Thanks for the advice mate, will definitely keep number 2 going a while then, she is a big gurl :pighug:
a little more cookin’ will confirm it but that’s my bet without having a sniff :tongue:
although I dare say in a room full of Sour Livers and CDLC it’s gonna be pretty tough to distinguish anything :rofl:
agree on the mislabelled Livers being a CDLC no doubt but I have never seen a Chem stack colas like those :bow: and I tend to look at as many examples as I can of what I grow - I can’t get over them :bow:
a little more cookin’ will confirm it but that’s my bet without having a sniff :tongue:
although I dare say in a room full of Sour Livers and CDLC it’s gonna be pretty tough to distinguish anything :rofl:
agree on the mislabelled Livers being a CDLC no doubt but I have never seen a Chem stack colas like those :bow: and I tend to look at as many examples as I can of what I grow - I can’t get over them :bow:
Ohh so you think its the other way, very interesting, thats makes it 1-1 this is going to be fun :biggrin:
where my talent starts and ends :pass:

mephisto are pretty spot on with times.DP,dinafem there or there abouts,most others are fibbing barstools :frowny: with me only growing 1 plant at a time 3 weeks between them,can be 2 years till i get round to growing something a 2nd time so useless at picking phenos,my sour livers smelt of allsorts of things mixed in a strangely appealling shite.cdlc was such a lovely smoke i forgot to leave some :baked:
i did grow a fantasmo express and a green crack at the same time,coulda swore they were identical twins though im 100% no mix ups.
pheno variation are normal small/minor but sometimes it can be as different as an indica/sativa in variation.
not the answer you was looking for (but you know im an eejit) dont give them a name just yet,go by trichs if some need a week or 3 longer so be it.maybe it will be obvious to the nose in a week or two :shrug:maybe not :pass:
where my talent starts and ends :pass:

mephisto are pretty spot on with times.DP,dinafem there or there abouts,most others are fibbing barstools :frowny: with me only growing 1 plant at a time 3 weeks between them,can be 2 years till i get round to growing something a 2nd time so useless at picking phenos,my sour livers smelt of allsorts of things mixed in a strangely appealling shite.cdlc was such a lovely smoke i forgot to leave some :baked:
i did grow a fantasmo express and a green crack at the same time,coulda swore they were identical twins though im 100% no mix ups.
pheno variation are normal small/minor but sometimes it can be as different as an indica/sativa in variation.
not the answer you was looking for (but you know im an eejit) dont give them a name just yet,go by trichs if some need a week or 3 longer so be it.maybe it will be obvious to the nose in a week or two :shrug:maybe not :pass:

Every A team needs a professional roller :smokeit:Lovely joint I must say, loved the sound effects too haha
I'm beginning to think that I didn't mess up in the first instance, I'm just messing up now but just keeping an eye on the trichs is a sound bit of advice that I will taking.
That would make us a pair of eejits :condom:I think you're right about the different indica/sativa differences which is what is making it so hard.

Hopefully time will tell.