Indoor Mephisto Sour Livers (blues) Last Chance Auto's

Hey ladies, gentlemen and those inbetween I hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy New Year. I have been extremely busy over the last couple of months but yesterday I had a tingle that said this post was started properly on day 48 and that day 48 on the current cycle would be coming up shortly. I have 7 CDLC and 4 Sour Livers, I always get slightly edgy with auto's as so much happens so fast but this thread has calmed me as we seem to be right on schedule or maybe even ahead of where we were with the first cycle of sour livers. As day 48 is tomorrow I will take some pictures for the Anniversary :biggrin: I also think I have earlier pictures saved from when I was planning on posting previous updates. I am looking forward to seeing what you guys think :smoking:
Well today is day 48 so as promised I have some pics to share with you guys.

The first is a Sour Livers, I call her the mutant because she will be ready in another 2 weeks, stupidly ahead of everything else this cycle and super dense.
Number 2 is my favourite CDLC, smells exactly like StarDawg
3 and 4 are of 2 different CDLC's that I have high hopes for, estimate they will pull over 3 zips each no problem
Last two are just some general over shots.

Looking back at the previous cycle I would say we are a little ahead of where we were this time last cycle so all is well. I expect them to seriously start packing weight on now to the point there is a noticeable change each day. There are also 2 runts as I call them, one sprouted without any leaves so I would expect that to be behind slightly and one was a late germination because 2 of the livers didn't sprout so calling that a runt is slightly misleading. I will get some pics of them up soon. If anyone would like to know what feeding schedule I am using, it is exactly as the last cycle so look back through the post at it will all be there. Hope everyone is well, I'm going to roll myself a fat one!

fav cdlc.jpg
big cdlc.jpg
big cdlc 2.jpg
overall 2.jpg

come on now you can tell us
how do you get colas that damn good every single time?
incredible plants yet again, you don’t mess about hey?!

the genetic freak of speed you have there, I dare say you have yourself a heavily leaning Sour Crack pheno, Mephisto’s fastest strain that seems to actually hit 60-65 days consistently and the “sour” in your Livers
supposed to be very tasty stuff too mate!

Chem in the second picture is really similar to mine, except twice the bud sites - watch for the subtle purples as her buds age :drool:
can’t wait to see how those other two turn out - again...COLAS WOW
Thanks mate I appreciate the kind comments and I'm glad you approve.
I think the main thing to get more production especially in a pot environment is to try and get the balance of air and nutrients perfect. The biggest improvements I have seen in my technique came from switching to 60/40 coco clay pebble mix, and then it would be the cloth pots followed by Bloombastic. Those would definitely be the 3 things I swear by, another would be HPS but having never used anything else it is hard to compare.

A sour crack you say :drool: that is some nice info, I will make sure I taste test that girl specifically and if she hits the spot I may do 12 of those next. Unless I really do love the CDLC then it is going to be hard, then there is the search for the OG's......such a hard decision.

I really do hope I get those lovely colours coming through, I will be the envy of all my friends thats for sure :smoking:

Just found this
Sour Crack being a fast strain, has a short seedling stage and as soon as she sexes there's a small time period of extra veg/stretch growth before switching hard into flower mode.
Frost levels are very high, trichome development is apparent from early on and She quickly makes chunky dense buds that are dripping in resin.
Consequently Sour Crack makes a beautiful extraction/hash plant to work with.
Commercially she can be taken as little as 55 days from sprout, but for the connoisseur auto grower and toker, 60-65 days is more accurate depending on the exact eect the grower wants.

You were spot on froot, she aint a mutant she is a heavy sour crack pheno!

How did I overlook this strain?? I think I am sold tbh :bighug:
Bloombastic :crying: that’s a new one on me, looks like a strong PK booster? I guess my equivalent is Big Bud which I can’t say I’ve used enough to form an opinion much beyond that I think it smells good
But moving to coco I don’t think I’ll be able to run this AN nutrient line for many plants - unless results are STAGGERING then I’ll switch to something more affordable so always in the look out for tips on products, especially those readily available on this side of the pond

can’t knock HPS for anything besides the power bill. LED’s are a godsend for small scale growers like me though - makes it easier than ever to get started, even more so when you see some of the results people get from an auto under a £60 blurple. part of me still thinks HPS has the edge on the end product though!

Sour Crack is popular to run in a scrog set up, I’ve seen half a dozen grows like that at least - seems to be an effective jar filler! they tend to be short and stout which I think might put some off, but Mephisto claim they can put out 3 oz a pop and I’d believe it in a set up like yours! stupidly frosty and potent little buggers apparently too - if my current ladies don’t fill enough jars I will definitely look at doing a run of these too.

I’m guessing it’s a nice even average finishing time you’re looking for when you do a cycle? hence why you run a single/double strain instead of 12 different strains? there’s just so much in offer through Mephisto alone I’d find it too difficult to restrain myself! height, grow time and all that seems to vary between phenos quite a lot in auto strains anyway so you’d probably find a bunch of strains would behave similarly to the full runs...certainly not to say it ain’t nice having a full harvest of Livers or Chem!!

you will love the buds that CDLC produces.
I’m down to the last oz off mine but they are the chunkiest diamond shaped golf ball nuggets and they are a pleasure to play with - I’ll just keep a nugg’ on the tray now and pick away at it over the evening - loving the strain and I will 100% grow her again.
read your (wonderfully detailed) first post again for your starting technique - I will start in my usual light mix soil in smaller pots for the first 10 days or so.

I have ordered Gold Label 60/40 - that root shot you posted from last round stuck with me and I can’t argue with those results.

I’ll continue with my Advanced Nutrients line, except I suppose I should fork out for their specific “Coco” A&B base nutes.

golden info mate thank you
read your (wonderfully detailed) first post again for your starting technique - I will start in my usual light mix soil in smaller pots for the first 10 days or so.

I have ordered Gold Label 60/40 - that root shot you posted from last round stuck with me and I can’t argue with those results.

I’ll continue with my Advanced Nutrients line, except I suppose I should fork out for their specific “Coco” A&B base nutes.

golden info mate thank you

Bloombastic is an all in one Bloom booster, you start using it once you stop with the big bud. It has the PK in the boost so no need to worry about when is the perfect time for PK :biggrin: it also works great after big bud as that is what I use too. Big bud definitely has my approval the whole AN line does if you don't look at the price but I know you can buy equivalents much cheaper, its just finding out which ones. I was using just my coco A + B with bloombastic alone for a couple of years before I came across the bcuzz bloom stim which then made me realise that atami have about 5 different companies that produce different nutrients but can all be used together. The stim reminded me of canna boost and I found an Atami chart that suggested adding it with the bloombastic. They are both really cheap and easy to get hold of.

HPS has the advantage in the department of yield thats for sure but in terms of quality I have been seeing some real top end stuff coming from LED's, tho knowing my mate he has spent atleast £1000 per light. The reason I stick with the HPS more than anything else apart from the fact I know how it performs is the heat, today if I was using 2 LED's I would then have to start buying heaters and speed controllers ect ect for yourself and others with a small space I couldn't agree more HPS is far too expensive and tbh a 600w would be too much light for your space.

I think I'll just do 12 as normal, the heavy leaning livers, crack pheno I have is a real beauty if I get 12 of them I would be over the moon. 10/10 for density, real sticky and smells sweet and almost fruity tho she is at the back so I could be smelling a mix of all sorts haha definitely over 2 on her already but with the density I can see 4 being possible. After this run I'm going to be getting into almost silly amounts of stock so if I do these and get 2-3 off each I will probably just experiment over summer, possibly buy some £60 blurples and see what I can do.

Yeah I need the grow space as the dry space so its important that they can all be harvested together, otherwise I would certainly do say 4 different strains each time like 3 of each. When I go through the catalogue I check the finish times against each other, this is one reason I have been staying away from the orange strains and a couple of others, they take far too long in my opinion. I think mephisto have the genetics for amazing flowers built into the auto's now, what I really want is for them or someone to start trying to breed more speed into existing strains. Imagine other mephisto strains finishing at the same time as the Sour Crack, imagine each strain having 2 versions, the quick and the normal. Oh believe me its not bad having a full harvest of sour livers, seeds produce many different pheno's too so I think from now I am going to jar each plant individually so that I can taste the difference between each. I have 20 odd zips of the Livers left just gets better tbh but you have to keep it moist in my experience, keeps the flavour really locked in.

I love some of the smells already, fresh rubber or trainer smells, some severe chem and some 100% dog, I am happy. I think a few may need more than 70 days tho so if that is the case I am just going to bite the bullet and sheet off half the room and harvest 3-4. The sour crack leaning sour livers pheno won't be happy if it goes past 70 days looking at it now, I just hope I can get it dark enough but if anyone has any useful tips on shading your bud while drying or info on how much light it actually takes before the thc starts degrading at a noticeable level I would appreciate it. In the meantime I will try to find some myself.

I'm glad it helped mate, I will just wait a couple of months before you start to tell me how amazing the 60/40 is :biggrin:

I will also get some more pics up tomorrow, definitely one of some roots for you to look at :pighug:
:worship: mate, your buds look awesome, nicely trained to grow up wards the buds?:frog:

Thanks mate, the only type of training I do tbh is pinch the main cola after the 4th set of arms and then some lollypoping once I know whats going to make it up to the canopy, or at least have a good chance of getting their.