Indoor Mephisto Sour Livers (blues) Last Chance Auto's

Thanks mate, the only type of training I do tbh is pinch the main cola after the 4th set of arms and then some lollypoping once I know whats going to make it up to the canopy, or at least have a good chance of getting their.
sounds good mate, i havent trained the girls yet, the NLB seem good, the SourDaddy is less open and now the NLB lead in the growth also as well as width :pass:
I don't have much time but wanted to get these pics up before I forget, hope everyone is doing well i'm looking forward to a chit chat tomorrow :smoking:
1. roots for fruit 2 and 3 are the runts that i would like to talk about.4 is one of the slow cdlc's 5 is the stunning sour livers (heavy crack pheno) and the last is a strange cdlc that is putting out stupid amounts of frost.
roots for froot.jpg
runt 1.jpg
runt 2.jpg
slow girl.jpg
sour livers (crack pheno).jpg
strange one.jpg
mate those roots are thicker than my branches :eyebrows:
loving it!

2 & 3 are runts?! is 2 a Livers and 3 a Chem?
Number 4 - what a structure! was that just a straight topping?
Sour Crack pheno literally looks ready :worship: and juicy!

and number 5...well damn! i thought my CDLC was a frosty girl but you've got her beat! here's mine around same development;

@YourMumsNewFella, the girls are looking great, nice frosty look, and nicely branched

Thanks mate :thumbsup:

mate those roots are thicker than my branches :eyebrows:
loving it!

2 & 3 are runts?! is 2 a Livers and 3 a Chem?
Number 4 - what a structure! was that just a straight topping?
Sour Crack pheno literally looks ready :worship: and juicy!

and number 5...well damn! i thought my CDLC was a frosty girl but you've got her beat! here's mine around same development;

View attachment 1007010

Where do I start mate, Its all gone to pot, literally :cuss:

Yeah they are the smallest and slowest developing both are CDLC. Then again I stuck electric tape on my fabric pots(I must have been extremely high at the time) so rather than 7 being labelled CDLC only 6 are which is causing me some confusion haha then to add to that the one that you would swear must be the sour livers because the only option is that are a heavy chem is at the same stage and looks exactly like the 90 day cdlc pheno, so its a real head scratcher tbh :crying:

I currently have a major issue and that issue is with the CDLC, recently I have started to think that there was no way 4 of the 7 CDLC which seem to be the same pheno type would be done by day 70 which is always a rough aim of mine with auto's, as much longer and the cost's outweigh the objective as far as HPS lighting goes (which is the base given by mephisto). 4 of the CDLC will in my opinion take around 90 days to make them worth the time, comparing them to the Sour Livers which is given the same completion time by mephisto I think this is fair. I have done research which indicates that there are pheno's which take this amount of time, a few are on this forum.

I would like to think I am maybe very unlucky but I am leaning towards the fact that the CDLC should either be relabelled to show a longer finish time or discontinued until the genetics can be locked down. This is the exact kind of problem that made me consider switching back to photo strains. I just find it inconceivable that a strain could be given a finish time of 65-70 days and then over 50% end up taking 90 days. I see how highly Mephisto are regarded and after my last result they are highly regarded by myself so I will do some more research and ask around to find out more information before I take my concerns to mephisto.

It seems that the stardawg leaning phenos are the one's which will be taking the 90 days, 1 which seems to be a perfect mix of the pheno's should be ready at 70 days and 2 which seem to be heavy chem leaning like seriously chem almost a haze like offensive smell will hopefully be done by 70 but the vote will definitely be put out on those 2.

I will be sheeting half of the room off at around 65-70 days and keeping my fingers crossed that any light that slips through the sheeting won't do much harm and that the splitting of the room won't cause to high humidity on either side as this is the first time I will be trying this. On the lighter side of things this will mean that I will be putting out open votes on which of the girls should be taken at this time so that should be fun coming to a consensus in the thread :bighug: :d5:

I am eager to hear from anyone who may have some input or info on my CDLC situation, the cost and all the extra work that I am going to have to do plus the light and humidity risk really is causing me some concern. Only one thing to do at a time like this :pass:

An addition to my Original thoughts now I have had a smoke, calmed down and done some more research. I am now leaning towards me just being unlucky. To be fair I should be happy that at least 4 will need more time as if I only had one or two under a 600w hps for a couple of weeks that would be a bit of a waste.

There is also the possibility that the particular pheno is a little more delicate and I have abused them. Can never rule that out haha

I guess every cloud has a silver lining and in the end I might end up benefiting.
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Where do I start mate, Its all gone to pot, literally :cuss:

no no no, that's my line. i'm the grower like a deer-in-headlights, you're the pro' who'll figure out the best course of action.

at least you had a smoke and started seeing the silver lining :smokeit:

i feel bad because i didn't really take finishing time in to consideration with all my ramblings to you about this Chem. even in a newbie's setup (hi!) the CDLC was a slower finisher and the chop at 80 days resulted in a notably racy but ultimately uplifting high that's just a bit too on the intense side to function very well for a good 20 minutes after smoking. 90 days would have let it mature and mellow in to indica effects a bit more.
but anyway yeh, i should of connected the dots in my head to see finishing time is very important to how your space and cycles work but i jut got all wrapped up in this chem overload of a plant instead.
i think my whole operation sucks about 300-350w power so it doesn't even cross my mind most of the time that some of you are wielding those HPS beasts.

have you been unlucky? i don't know, honestly. i've read through dozens (hundreds?) of journals and consistency ain't marijuana's strong point haha - add in the autoflowering genes and it allows for even more variance. your set up is similar to what Meph use to gauge grow times, depending on if you think your medium might add on a bit of time (if you're familiar with autos in DWC you'll know they routinely take 90-100 days but end up twice the size, as coco is a bit in between soil and hydro it's not too much of a stretch to suggest it's a bit longer) but as you say, you estimate 70 days and frankly i'm not sure i've seen a CDLC finish that quickly. i think Sour Crack is your best bet for subsequent runs but even then, i think you'd see one or two asking for longer.

they do look bloody good though mate :clapper:
no no no, that's my line. i'm the grower like a deer-in-headlights, you're the pro' who'll figure out the best course of action.

at least you had a smoke and started seeing the silver lining :smokeit:

i feel bad because i didn't really take finishing time in to consideration with all my ramblings to you about this Chem. even in a newbie's setup (hi!) the CDLC was a slower finisher and the chop at 80 days resulted in a notably racy but ultimately uplifting high that's just a bit too on the intense side to function very well for a good 20 minutes after smoking. 90 days would have let it mature and mellow in to indica effects a bit more.
but anyway yeh, i should of connected the dots in my head to see finishing time is very important to how your space and cycles work but i jut got all wrapped up in this chem overload of a plant instead.
i think my whole operation sucks about 300-350w power so it doesn't even cross my mind most of the time that some of you are wielding those HPS beasts.

have you been unlucky? i don't know, honestly. i've read through dozens (hundreds?) of journals and consistency ain't marijuana's strong point haha - add in the autoflowering genes and it allows for even more variance. your set up is similar to what Meph use to gauge grow times, depending on if you think your medium might add on a bit of time (if you're familiar with autos in DWC you'll know they routinely take 90-100 days but end up twice the size, as coco is a bit in between soil and hydro it's not too much of a stretch to suggest it's a bit longer) but as you say, you estimate 70 days and frankly i'm not sure i've seen a CDLC finish that quickly. i think Sour Crack is your best bet for subsequent runs but even then, i think you'd see one or two asking for longer.

they do look bloody good though mate :clapper:

I did tell you last week that your worry is like a disease and that i'm catching it :pass::crying:

Eh don't you go shouldering none of the blame, after some more thought I think I am going to bring this to Mephisto's attention. Over 50% is just too high for me to leave alone, I think on any strain where the possibility that over 10% of the beans will not match the advertised description a warning should be given and where some may take 20% longer than specified this becomes even more important. The biggest problem to anyone suggesting problems with the grow is this, the sour livers are right on time and the sour livers have the same advertised finish time. For me to have caused that many issues that the CDLC would be so many weeks behind the sour livers would mean that they have been so abused they should look disgusting but looking at them and the root zone you can see this is not the case. DWC is a beast to its own mate, the coco won't be slowing the plant down I really do just think there are so many of them that take 90 days. I will make a post to mephisto see if they would like some pics and see what they say, its good that they will be able to see my thread so that they know I have an idea of what I'm doing and not a greenhand.

if you are running 350w for 3 and I run 600w for 6 you are running more wattage per plant :worship: Lighting has as much to do with the spectrum of light as it does the intensity so the scientists tell us haha for budding nothing beats HPS as far as I am concerned and all the major farmers around the world who use artificial light seem to agree. I may get a MH bulb for the veg on the next cycle, using a different bulb does scare me slightly tho. Yeah after this 90 day slog I will definitely be doing the Sour Crack next cycle and I guarantee you that they are well and truly done within 70 days :thumbsup: I will definitely be asking mephisto if they know of any of there other strains that can go way beyond the advertised time frame so that I can avoid them. The trouble with all this talk of things taking longer is I have grown many many auto's from different breeders, I used to love the Dark Devil by sweet seeds, 9 Weeks everytime would produce some lovely results, I ran this strain for 2 years with an average of 4 zips a plant, it was only really the potency that made me look for stronger auto's. So i tried the auto lemon haze from Pheno finders which was a total joke, I contacted the main breeder because I have spoken with him a few times in Amsterdam and he said "go to Mephisto bro" and here we are. After your Tangie tho I am thinking after the Sour Crack I will try some different breeders, it looks awesome :drool: and the smell reports you are giving make my mouth wet.

To add to this I have a new problem haha I think I have 5 Sour livers but that shouldn't be possible unless I was really fucked when I potted these seeds :crying:
2 of those are labelled as CDLC just to make things even more confusing..............So tomorrow I am going to take pics of the 2 that are labelled as CDLC and see what you think.
These 5 regardless of what they are will be harvested on day 65 as the Sour Livers (crack pheno) is getting so fat and dense that it is worrying me and I don't want to put more than 6 in half the room. This will give the 2 CDLC that are the strongest smelling that could be took at 80 days will be given as much time as I can give them.

After all the messing I think it will be worth it tho mate, looking at the two that are ahead and the 4 that are now starting to come on nicely I think these may be the best auto smoke I have had.

We don't do mistakes, What we do is learn :cooldance:
Forgot to add for the first time in about 10 years I am going to be drying de-stemmed on a rack, I don't really have much choice as I don't have anywhere to attach string to hang up arms of bud but i'm hoping that the sides of the rack will help shield the fruits of my labour from any light that leaks through the sheeting.
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