Mephisto Genetics Mephisto, Amare se-450's & Big Sm0

Nice and monstrous as per the usual with you buddy. Keep up the good work and don't sell yourself short on the gardening skills. Amare lights and Mephisto beans definitely would be a good combo but the captain at the helm needs to know wtf he's doing too, as you obviously do.

Thank you CWO! It's been a fun journey.

As for auto vs photo I seem to get a lot of grief for growing them. My space is like many other auto growers. A room with plants everywhere and not much rhyme or reason. If it gets quiet I just add a few more. Luckily I planned on doing a few photos side by side and just so happens 2 beans I had in my auto crop were photos. I had a tent set up, exhaust, lights, dehumidifier all the good stuff. The thing that drove me away from photos is just that which is the veg/flower separation. If your set up for photos it's easy, if your in one space and can't manage individual rooms autos take it.

I have done the math and ran plenty of both to know The auto quality is just as good. A pound of auto and a pound of photo take up the same space. I just now do 2 autos to one photo. Time is shorter with autos but require more light. Risk is lower with autos since the life span shorter. It's an endless battle in my mind and I'm sure plenty of others. Genetics keep improving and if your goal is quality yield auto flowering plants can definitely hang with anything.
Something else that gets me is the buds closest to the lights aren't as dense or have as much resin. The outer edges are much better looking too. If I raise the lights it would add to the larf totals I suppose. Still learning.
That's weird. Happened on your first run too? I haven't noticed anything but killer nugs under amare
Was just messing around with the crap I threw in a bucket. Kinda depressing how much lower fluff there is even with my super side light bar lol. Wasn't expecting 120w of cobs to save the world but it still left me with a fair amount. Was thinking of making some oil with it or rosin pressing it. Plenty of sticky any ideas?
I've been messing around with shatter, its a killer buzz. I also just bought a set of bubble bags on amazon to make some hash with all the lil bits.
I've been messing around with shatter, its a killer buzz. I also just bought a set of bubble bags on amazon to make some hash with all the lil bits.
I bought those last year. Currently I use the small machine. Mixes it all on its own for the lazy group.
@Rebel this is with air pots which self prune the roots that grow near the outer holes. The center was actually much fuller than the outsides but this goes to show that bigger pots are not wasted.
@Rebel this is with air pots which self prune the roots that grow near the outer holes. The center was actually much fuller than the outsides but this goes to show that bigger pots are not wasted. View attachment 674630View attachment 674629

Killer!! I have an airpot I've used on occasion and tbh bro I think it would have done better with a bigger strain. I may give it another go later this year to see..

Oh man I should dig up some of my root pics... Actually I have to empty the Kind bags so I'll be taking pics for sure!

I have been so occupied outside of afn lately I've fallen so behind.. This thread is also one of my favorites! I learn so much from our discussions. Its so nice to chat without arguing and egos.

You, my friend, are a wealth of led knowledge and when you speak I listen. Yes I noticed that about Mars and Kind having the same similar blurple lights as I think you guys affectionately call them lol I have that little 600W 5W Roleadro as well and it rocks just totally different results with the same strain grown under the kind. This stuff fascinates me as I'm seeing it with my own eyes in my room...

I know this is probably a dumb question lol but do they make 5 gallon equivalents in the airpots? And have you grown in them?
Life comes first rebel. It's hard with such a time consuming hobby lol. That's another reason why I upped my pot size. If I get a good crop I used to get 24 hours between watering. I bounced back and forth a few times and now going with 7gallon pots only. It's a life saver on those nights when you get home at 9pm after 14 hour day. The green bottom air pots are considered a 5 gallon equivalent and the blue bottom is a 7 gallon equivalent. Actually just got done spraying my air pots out. I put 1/4 cut of h2o2 and a few drops of dish soap per gallon, spray them down and let them sit for an hour then rinse. I can't imagine the root ball in 1 gallon. It's gotta be nuts lol. You should just do one larger pot as a comparison and see how you make out. I notice much larger plants in 5-7 and with your success I'd guess even going to 3 or 5 gallon you would pull 1/2lb.

As far as this thread goes please feel free to stop in any time. I love to see the same, help, advice discussion and exactly right no egos or attitudes. I did come into afn a little hot but learned quick. It's a beautiful place, the staff and members do a great job at keeping it that way.