Thank you CWO! It's been a fun journey.Nice and monstrous as per the usual with you buddy. Keep up the good work and don't sell yourself short on the gardening skills. Amare lights and Mephisto beans definitely would be a good combo but the captain at the helm needs to know wtf he's doing too, as you obviously do.
As for auto vs photo I seem to get a lot of grief for growing them. My space is like many other auto growers. A room with plants everywhere and not much rhyme or reason. If it gets quiet I just add a few more. Luckily I planned on doing a few photos side by side and just so happens 2 beans I had in my auto crop were photos. I had a tent set up, exhaust, lights, dehumidifier all the good stuff. The thing that drove me away from photos is just that which is the veg/flower separation. If your set up for photos it's easy, if your in one space and can't manage individual rooms autos take it.
I have done the math and ran plenty of both to know The auto quality is just as good. A pound of auto and a pound of photo take up the same space. I just now do 2 autos to one photo. Time is shorter with autos but require more light. Risk is lower with autos since the life span shorter. It's an endless battle in my mind and I'm sure plenty of others. Genetics keep improving and if your goal is quality yield auto flowering plants can definitely hang with anything.