Mephisto Genetics Mephisto, Amare se-450's & Big Sm0

Fullduplex that was my concern. A lot of talk about autos and low feed schedules. I recommend the same but I push them early and ride them hard through the end of flower. Last night I fed these girls 900ppm which are around day 30 and my photos got 2100ppm. I would never suggest this to anyone but if it's started early and done properly they can take big amounts of nutrients. I always thought the high levels may affect the organic additives.

There are things that I leave out some of the times because its not for every one. Once I start feeding I don't stop till the end. I have nutes in my feed water each time I water from the time I intro them till the end. I just know that if I post that id be asked what is the ppm and how much and how often but right now I got no fucking clue, its all by eye.
@FullDuplex i thought you were already here bro.
Oh I'm here and I read most posts. The thing is I am tagged, messaged, and alerted a lot and ill miss a thread or a post if I'm mention and not tagged. When there are discussions like this I don't want to miss them. Then there is the part where I read all the new posts, like this thread, and I can call out a friend HA
There are things that I leave out some of the times because its not for every one. Once I start feeding I don't stop till the end. I have nutes in my feed water each time I water from the time I intro them till the end. I just know that if I post that id be asked what is the ppm and how much and how often but right now I got no fucking clue, its all by eye.
I'm the same. I start feeding right when they start the second set of leaves and pour it in till the end. I keep track of ppm but it scares people when I tell them.
I actually haven't used any cal/ mag at all this grow yet. I don't want to jinx myself, but they're heading into week 5 looking good this time.
How old did you say yours are?
I think it helps whether it's needed or not. Tough to tell without a proper side by side though. I think these are around day 40. The first picture was dec1
There are things that I leave out some of the times because its not for every one. Once I start feeding I don't stop till the end. I have nutes in my feed water each time I water from the time I intro them till the end. I just know that if I post that id be asked what is the ppm and how much and how often but right now I got no fucking clue, its all by eye.
I've been feeding every day also. And not pHing my water, and not checking ppm either.
I'm the same. I start feeding right when they start the second set of leaves and pour it in till the end. I keep track of ppm but it scares people when I tell them.

Well that is because people don't understand moderation. If I published my actual step by step feeding guide people would freak and claim that it would burn but I can prove otherwise. It comes back to being able to read a plant. They will tell you if they need something or if they had too much. I think that there is one thing that is over looked a lot in growing and that if you seed fade, discoloration, or even burnt leaf on the bottom of the plant that you have a major problem. That's not really the case that is nature, she will burn up, eat, chew, absorb, and consume her lower leaf if she is lacking, seeing this does not mean panic. This is her telling you she just needs a touch more, adjust everything in your regimen is not needed. Just bump the feed a touch. I think this is where a lot of guys go wrong.

They see the change in leaf, panic, and start changing everything. Those lower leaf changes are not going to hurt yield at all. ...Period
Oh I'm here and I read most posts. The thing is I am tagged, messaged, and alerted a lot and ill miss a thread or a post if I'm mention and not tagged. When there are discussions like this I don't want to miss them. Then there is the part where I read all the new posts, like this thread, and I can call out a friend HA
I figured you would have a link to this thread saved to your favorites. :thumbsup: