if I have time to figure it out might take a few short vids to share on here with you all.
You in the FLA area? I used to live near Tampa, in Lakeland. Only experienced one hurricane back in 90’s and that wasn’t nothing. This one is supposed to be nasty.
I think I'm going to find a different job; I just really fucking hate sitting in an office all day.

Recipe for disaster for you ...tying you to a desk........ :headbang: .... you've got too much twitchy energy....

But....it pays a wage...:pass:...and isn't as Flaky as the cannabis industry....
damn winter coming in, temp at 68 this morning. Long pants, full t shirt, hoodie, morning robe and fuzzy socks...... did I mention I don't do below 75 very well?

I much prefer cooler nights....it is the light getting to me.... getting dark at 8pm...and still dark 8am.......I need supplemental lighting ....for me....:biggrin:
You in the FLA area? I used to live near Tampa, in Lakeland. Only experienced one hurricane back in 90’s and that wasn’t nothing. This one is supposed to be nasty.
Just above Orlando about 45 miles.
Afternoon @Frankthetank ...:bighug:...why...?...
Good morning auntie :bighug: :pass: Chronic insomnia, stemming from an incident on one of my military deployments in 06-07…. Haven’t had a good nights sleep since….
I've had burn stuff ready for a couple months but every time it's almost dried out we get a couple days of rain and I have to put it off. Burn time is just that, I sit there and tend it, have a charged water hose ready, sip a few few beers ( used to, lol ) and make a day of it.

Everything is tinder dry here...still a danger of wild fires...... :pass: