I was a terrible history student, but I think 200 years ago a few European countries already ruled the world.
Yes that probably is true. But now with the technology puts some places over 200 years behind us. There was no electricity or cell phone space ships. We have advanced beyond our means in a short amount of time
Its kinda hard to believe or crazy of me to think but this life of luxury will not last forever. We should enjoy every minute we might be living in the best part of human history.
I took a trip to Dominican Republic once.

I saw poverty everywhere, shelters, shacks, and shanties.

It wasn't till I visited their neighbor that I found out that people in Haiti feel that the people in D.R. are rich.

But, I saw children playing, they had made a game of kicking something around.

None of them had shoes that matched. Nobody had a new phone, or even a phone at all.

None of the physical 'things' that we are told we need to be happy.

Happiness is a choice. I had to ask myself how dare I, with clean water and electricity 24/7, a choice of what to eat and when, and access to the world's information(things 80% of the globe doesn't have) How dare I not be a happy person.

You will always have more or less things, more or less money, but you only have finite time here.

Whatever you believe in, you are leaving this world the way you came in, with nothing. All we have, all we are is borrowed.

Make memories.
Yes that probably is true. But now with the technology puts some places over 200 years behind us. There was no electricity or cell phone space ships. We have advanced beyond our means in a short amount of time
Yes, we have. A guy named Jared Diamond was doing research on birds in remote parts of New Guinea. While he was unloading his boatload of equipment and supplies, his Maori guide, who carried all his worldly belongings on his belt, asked him, "How come you white people need so much stuff?" Mr. Diamond got to thinking about it, why his guide was still in the stone age, while some countries had advanced technology. He did 20 years of research about it, and wrote an amazing book called "Guns, Germs, and Steel."
How ever many years ago the egyptians know or knew something we dont to build the pyramids. But they still sweated there ass off cause they didnt have ac. We control our environment. Whos more advanced???
The only problem i have had is finding a light that has over 100-150watts and is under 2’x2’ dimensions. I know its not a practical tent size but its the only space i have indoors right now and will be stacking one on top of the other until i get more room. I actually have a couple closet spaces that are 23”x23”x60” and i plan on converting those as well.
LED Grow Light Depot

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