Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Well, wife called crying, seems after fvcking around all day they finally let her know she wouldn't be coming home today.....I kinda figured that out at 1pm and suggested it might be the case then but she was still hoping since they told her a couple times yesterday she would be. Going up for a visit tomorrow anyways.

Aw Shame ... :pass: ..same in the UK...I've been waiting for me Mother to be discharged for a few days...if they ain't ut by 1pm..they aren't getting out.

Worrying want them to stay in hospital until they are well...but you also want them out because of the damn virus...:shrug:..they Do try to get everyone they can home for Xmas...Fingers Crossed for Better News tomorrow...:headbang:
Good Morfnoevight All! past EO.

Got all of the morning chores involving the outside world so I Dabbed into the Citradelic Sunset. Yeah Baby!

Proper Stoners can't Eat and Think at the same time @Dichoti is a well known you enjoy your bacon and it will come back to you.....:pass:....

Hubby had the raging munchies last night...and he is like a gweedy troll in the I wander over for a look at what he is making...
and he has a sani...with Big cheese wedges.....and moldy was I'm like woah......that ham is off and starts picking it off his sani to give to the dogs and he got all Protective of his sani.......:crying:....standing there glowering at me with the butter knife in his hand.........:shooty:..challenging...

Never step between a man with the munchies and his scooby snax's......:crying:....

The Evil in me said...well...let the bugger eat it then..........:devil:....but I Imagined cleaning the bathroom up this morning........ :angel:

There is Always Next time.......:yeah:
Yes siree that could buttfire.

Man is capable of great evil and great good. It is a choice. Morales seems to be out of fashion for many. Pain and suffering is a constant around the world for animals and man. Wanton destruction is evil. Hopefully there will be penalties in this life and the next.

Ha. Yeah. I not stoned lol.
My mind's been stuck in screwing with a Am-Am/G-D-D/F chord progression... Using my 5 string bass, a Small stone phaser, and dual delay, I've got it sounding like a really bluesy stoner/doom song. Thinking of picking out a D7 guitar chord on the bass, then going into F or F#, then back to the beginning...

I can play an .MP3:crying:

Look at the destruction they pulled those two babies out of...:pass:...

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First Responders = Man is capable of great things. :worship:.

2 days before Christmas Eve! I better start shopping finally! Walmart hooooooooooo!

You're shopping for a Walmart Ho, Geez can't you at least afford a Target Ho?

Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas.

Woke up with "shank a bitch" mode fully engaged, so that's fun. Meds don't work when the visitor shows so I'm completely unbalanced just in time to deal with my wackadoo family members for Christmas. Already picked a fight with hubby, mom, and grandma today. Pretty set on telling my cousin that since his mother didn't even want to see him before she died why tf does he think any of the rest of us want him around. Mom doesn't want me to cause "you didn't hear that first hand" meaning that she knows that her brother will know she told me about it. But you gotta be a pretty garbage person to make the sweetest woman I've ever known want to not see you, her only child, before she died. And not only that but for her to tell my uncle that any money that comes from her side of the family in the form of inheritance for her son is to be donated to the humane society as she didn't want him to get a penny. I wish a mofo would hit me, nothing would make me happier than having his ass thrown in jail for assault and battery. We didn't do Christmas last year but the year before he was trying to talk to my kids about his Hitler youth white supremacy brainwash bullshit and I was very very close to escorting him out of the house with my grandpa's shotgun before hubby talked me down. Hell if I even say a word about anything to anyone mom and gma come in to tell me I'm being crazy and making a scene. He made fun of my oldest that year too and called him gay for wearing a necklace #3 made him. #1 didn't even know what that meant but he sure as shit knew my cousin was being a bully and that that was an insult. But how dare I speak up for my kid. Our family members died fighting in WWII. My grandpa lost his uncle on Normandy. He was literally a kid, he lied about his age when he enlisted, he was only 16, but he wanted to be like his big brothers and fight for something he believed in. He died on DDay at 19. It absolutely destroyed my grandpa's family, George was the baby and none of them ever really were able to move past his loss. My grandpa would be absolutely furious if he had lived long enough to see this shit from him and my shit bag cousin would have been disowned and banned from the property by now for sure, at the absolute least. They want to say me literally saying anything is causing a scene? I'll show them a fucking scene. If I had a penis it wouldn't even be a question but God forbid a woman speak up against a man, even if he's fucking insane and trying to spread his bullshit ideals to my kids. I always forget that we should just internalize everything and then talk shit behind their backs when they're not around, instead of standing up against the bullshit. Its the "polite" thing to do apparently. :rolleyes1: :wall: Part of me just wants to say fuck it, we're not going. That's what hubby wants me to do. But that feels like letting the asshole win.

Ok, you got this. Well Ok, breath in breath out. As you stated there are legal parameters to be met. You do not need to feed the trolls. Then come and updates us. We care :bighug:.
Funny how they never remember their transgressions but laser focused on every lil stumble of everyone else's.
Classic narcissism unfortunately. And they wonder why I fell into multiple abusive relationships when I was younger. Spend enough time being told how awful you are and that's all you'll ever believe about yourself. I still haven't figured out how to shake that lovely inner voice they gave me but at least now I can recognize that that's what it is. Hubby really tries, but compliments and positive reinforcement can only do so much when you've spent most of your life being conditioned to believe that you're not good enough, or that you don't deserve happiness. Fat, lazy, worthless, failure, etc is the constant refrain in my head. They harped on my weight so much (I'm 5'8" and besides while I was 16 hours away being drugged into a zombie by my ex while he fattened me up, I've never really been more than 130ish) that I ended up right on the edge of an eating disorder. Of course once I hit 120 I was "too skinny" and by the time I hit 105 I apparently looked like I was dying. But all I heard when I looked in the mirror was them telling me how fat and gross I was. They love to give me shit for not putting on a full face of makeup every day (for what? I don't leave the house :rofl:) and my grandma loves to tell me that my boobs are gonna be at my knees soon (I've been almost two years torture device free lmfao) even though the science shows that bras actually directly contribute to sagging. Oh well. I've hit that age where I don't really gaf anymore and I'm not going to put my comfort aside for anyone else's or for fear of offending their delicate sensibilities of what a woman is supposed to do/be lol. I've pretty much stopped masking my autism all together as well, which of course they fucking hate. Sorry that y'alls genes ended up making me something other than "normal."
Spent a good part of the day trying to clone this drive to a larger ssd....seems all the old free proggies got big in the britches and now you gotta pay to get the cloning part.....ended up having to go to an old mirror site I remembered and got a copy of macrium 7
Good Morfnoevight All! past EO.

Got all of the morning chores involving the outside world so I Dabbed into the Citradelic Sunset. Yeah Baby!

Yes siree that could buttfire.

Man is capable of great evil and great good. It is a choice. Morales seems to be out of fashion for many. Pain and suffering is a constant around the world for animals and man. Wanton destruction is evil. Hopefully there will be penalties in this life and the next.

I can play an .MP3:crying:

First Responders = Man is capable of great things. :worship:.

You're shopping for a Walmart Ho, Geez can't you at least afford a Target Ho?

Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas.

Ok, you got this. Well Ok, breath in breath out. As you stated there are legal parameters to be met. You do not need to feed the trolls. Then come and updates us. We care :bighug:.
Lol I'm sure I won't do anything if I even show. Tbh I think keeping the kids from my gma on Christmas will probably be the most impactful thing I can do.
At my age pretty much all my inner voice says anymore is "fvck em"
It really sucks caring so much about people who hurt you like its nothing. The fact that my mom can't even own up to all of the shit she did when I was younger that led me down the path I ended up on is annoying as hell at best. They couldn't be bothered getting me a proper dx when I started really struggling as a teen, just stuck me on antidepressants and called it good. And they wondered why I went off the rails after that. Surprise surprise I don't have depression, I'm bipolar, and SSRIs are proven to cause major manic episodes in people with bipolar disorder. Which explained so much about the first decade of my adulthood, as every time I went for treatment again I ended up going off the rails all over again. Once I finally got a proper dx two years ago and my Dr told me that it was a big ole light bulb moment. Meds now keep me stable, besides like the five or six times a year I have that super fun hormonal swing. As much as everyone hates menopause I genuinely can't wait, as the excess estrogen is what fucks up my meds every time.
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