Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Plus hubby kept us up late af watching Witcher last night so I feel awful too. And he fell asleep mid episode. Idk how many times I have to tell him we've got to go to bed by like 2 at the latest when I have to get up in the mornings. This has been an ongoing argument for months, but not even because this is literally a physical limitation for me, I *cannot* wake up if I don't get enough sleep. I end up disassociated and don't get things done and it's just a mess.
Duties? Me?

If you’re counting the three seeds I dropped in soil yesterday, then absolutely. I dropped two of Proph’s Pinky T, and one of FD’s LokiOG. Hopefully they’ll still pop up. I figured I may as well start again with a few member strains since they’re better than almost everything else I’ve picked up from seedsman and other sources over the years.
If you mean anything music related… Uhhh sorta. I’ve got my weird ass first album posted on a distribution service that puts music up on all the streaming services, now. I figured that if I did that, And they hit the Asian services, I can make enough money to buy a cup of coffee and maybe a candy bar.
I’ve got four songs I’m working on now that I’ve just got to add lyrics to, And mix them right… I’m just too lazy right now, though.

Link to your tunes? Like weird ass first albums...

Edit: Sorry, hadn't scrolled down far enough...will check them out later today when I get some time!
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This grow feels doomed man. Inept owners with their heads up their asses.

It's a father/son team; Dad's an accountant and knows NOTHING about cannabis (not sure if he even smokes based on his shitty attitude and way he treats us,) and the son is a closet grower and from what I can tell, doesn't have a very strong grasp on growing AT ALL.

I was promoted to "Plant Manager" of the farm (everyone that works here refuses to touch the plants or take any responsibility for them, it's INSANITY hahaha,) but my opinions are asked for and pretty much always overridden by daddy-knows-nothing and son-knows-jack.


We've switched nutrients 3 times in 2 months if that tells how confident their decision making is. Took clones from VERY SICK mother plants (that had been allowed to flower because the owner accidentally turned off the lights and no one knew it happened.)

I just setup an entire iGrow environment control system for the greenhouse (which had a very thick fucking manual that was boring as shit to read,) just to find out the grow doesn't want to run internet out there. So this fancy, expensive control system that we should be able to monitor from home and even make adjustments from, just doesn't work. When I offered to call the telecomm to get a quote on running a line or if we had some wireless options (we have line of sight to everything from the house,) I was told "I don't think calling them is going to do anything for us." It's a local company. *shaking head* Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. But they won't let us trench the line ourselves (cuz we just too dumb, boss, hurr hurr hurr.)

Fucking A.
Reminds me of the local med grow facility here. A buddy of mine works there, And says that if it weren’t for the old hippies and stoners working there, The owners would have doomed it within the first week of growing.
Look at it this way…
If it’s putting money in your pocket, Document their idiocy, Save your money until you find a new place to work Lol.
This grow feels doomed man. Inept owners with their heads up their asses.

It's a father/son team; Dad's an accountant and knows NOTHING about cannabis (not sure if he even smokes based on his shitty attitude and way he treats us,) and the son is a closet grower and from what I can tell, doesn't have a very strong grasp on growing AT ALL.

I was promoted to "Plant Manager" of the farm (everyone that works here refuses to touch the plants or take any responsibility for them, it's INSANITY hahaha,) but my opinions are asked for and pretty much always overridden by daddy-knows-nothing and son-knows-jack.


We've switched nutrients 3 times in 2 months if that tells how confident their decision making is. Took clones from VERY SICK mother plants (that had been allowed to flower because the owner accidentally turned off the lights and no one knew it happened.)

I just setup an entire iGrow environment control system for the greenhouse (which had a very thick fucking manual that was boring as shit to read,) just to find out the grow doesn't want to run internet out there. So this fancy, expensive control system that we should be able to monitor from home and even make adjustments from, just doesn't work. When I offered to call the telecomm to get a quote on running a line or if we had some wireless options (we have line of sight to everything from the house,) I was told "I don't think calling them is going to do anything for us." It's a local company. *shaking head* Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. But they won't let us trench the line ourselves (cuz we just too dumb, boss, hurr hurr hurr.)

Fucking A.

Frustrating seems to be the day's understatement. What a mess you are dealing with. Best start looking for a better managed operation, you may not be able to save this one. Incompetence at the top, combined with an unwillingness or inability to listen, has been the kiss of death for quite a few commercial enterprises. Good luck with it, I hope you manage to save the grow in spite of the owners. :goodluck: :pighug:
Thanks for the rep @Cardinal! About to vape my super happy weed and maybe go back to sleep. Have to remember I'm back to get her at 1 now instead of 2 since they don't have rehearsals after class anymore. Thankfully its before hubby leaves for work so as long as he keeps an eye on the time so I may be able to get another bit of sleep. Going to be a loooong day/evening without some rest.
Plus hubby kept us up late af watching Witcher last night so I feel awful too. And he fell asleep mid episode. Idk how many times I have to tell him we've got to go to bed by like 2 at the latest when I have to get up in the mornings. This has been an ongoing argument for months, but not even because this is literally a physical limitation for me, I *cannot* wake up if I don't get enough sleep. I end up disassociated and don't get things done and it's just a mess.

No spoilers, I binged watched Season 1 again yesterday just to prep for the new season. Got to episode 7 before I finally fell asleep on the couch, today's the day!
Frustrating seems to be the day's understatement. What a mess you are dealing with. Best start looking for a better managed operation, you may not be able to save this one. Incompetence at the top, combined with an unwillingness or inability to listen, has been the kiss of death for quite a few commercial enterprises. Good luck with it, I hope you manage to save the grow in spite of the owners. :goodluck: :pighug:

They've fired two Farm Managers in the past 3 months. Colorado has an enforcement agency called the Marijuana Enforcement Division (the MED,) and they actually sent two agents out to investigate the farm last week for illegal activity (100%, the grow was out of compliance and illegally moved and tagged things.) The owners of the grow knew MED was about to come though, and they came out and switched everything up in the computers and warehouse, and managed to not get fined (they would have possibly shut down the entire farm.) The ex farm manager is the one that reported them (the one they had recently fired,) because they were asking her to sign off on activity that wasn't compliant (ergo, illegal.)

Wild wild west.

I have a kill plan for every single plant on the farm if they push me too far. (shhhh.)
Link to your tunes? Like weird ass first albums...
Yeah just search Promethean Complex on Spotify.
I haven’t checked to see what other streaming services it’s made it to yet. I know the first two singles made it to that TikTok thing pretty quickly, But they chose the weirdest and almost unusable minute of each song.
I’ve got a bunch of new stuff and ideas to knock out, Once I quit making excuses, Get stoned and started writing lol. According to the guys at Sweetwater, The new tracks have a Nine Inch Nails meets Static X vibe, Instead of the dubstep/hip hop/Industrial vibe the first album has.
HUUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE compliment to me, Since I’ve loved both bands music since they came out.
…now if sweetwater would start sending me modular synths and guitars for free, I’d be in heaven haha.
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