Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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The storm completely folded one of our hoop houses at our grow in half. In HALF.


Almost folded several sections of our security fences. Everything is bent/leaning. See the haze in the background below? That's a dust storm, visibility drops to zero and makes breathing almost impossible (all you can smell/taste is dirt, dirt in your eyes, ears, etc.)


Ripped off the shingles on the garage next to the house:

Folded more fencing. Half our green security fabric is ripped.
Morning all.

We had a craaaaaaaaazy wind storm rip through Colorado the other day, over 80+ MPH winds. No tornadoes, but it shut down power in a tremendous amount of the state.

We were without power for almost 2 full days!
How’s it Hobbes, GM, oh forget the GM, just Morning, ugh wind damage, sucks, but could have been hella worse like some parts the country and the weather.
Afternoon @Dichoti ...:pass:..sharing got all your Duties done.....?
Morning Mossy, so you don't get a break?

I consider my time here one of my better breaks. Mind you, I don't have much in the way of duties here. Other than my updates on Miss SSSC Auto Ellephant. Who, by the way is progressing nicely. The term donkey kongs comes to mind when I look at those colas. And they aren't even really fattened up yet. She will be my best producer yet if I can avoid the evil Botrytis. RH being kept in the low 40%, the main fan is turned up, and my fingers are crossed. :biggrin:
The storm completely folded one of our hoop houses at our grow in half. In HALF.

View attachment 1398540

Almost folded several sections of our security fences. Everything is bent/leaning. See the haze in the background below? That's a dust storm, visibility drops to zero and makes breathing almost impossible (all you can smell/taste is dirt, dirt in your eyes, ears, etc.)

View attachment 1398541

Ripped off the shingles on the garage next to the house:
View attachment 1398542

Folded more fencing. Half our green security fabric is ripped.
View attachment 1398543
That sucks mate, good luck with the cleanup and repairs. :goodluck::pighug:
I feels for ya, rough days I mean, yesterday am sucked (atleast ya explanation better), mines was for no reason, wife was all cool, kiddo doing good, was just ill af. Understandable she gots her plateful and maybe stressed. But feels for ya
3 hours of class and 3 shows in one weekend is a lot, especially at 7. She also has bad anxiety to start. She just came in here and told me "mommy I'm feeling very overwhelmed." Told her she had 10 minutes to eat and get her hair done for class before dad is going to leave, so she's fine for time. He's still sitting on the loo so if anyone ends up making them late it will more than likely be him anyways lol. She loves it though and it isn't normally this stressful for her, but with it being show weekend she's got that extra layer of stress on top.
Morning all.

We had a craaaaaaaaazy wind storm rip through Colorado the other day, over 80+ MPH winds. No tornadoes, but it shut down power in a tremendous amount of the state.

We were without power for almost 2 full days!
I heard about those. Makes me glad I live in an odd section of Appalachia where we rarely get crazy weather like that.
That sucks mate, good luck with the cleanup and repairs. :goodluck::pighug:

This grow feels doomed man. Inept owners with their heads up their asses.

It's a father/son team; Dad's an accountant and knows NOTHING about cannabis (not sure if he even smokes based on his shitty attitude and way he treats us,) and the son is a closet grower and from what I can tell, doesn't have a very strong grasp on growing AT ALL.

I was promoted to "Plant Manager" of the farm (everyone that works here refuses to touch the plants or take any responsibility for them, it's INSANITY hahaha,) but my opinions are asked for and pretty much always overridden by daddy-knows-nothing and son-knows-jack.


We've switched nutrients 3 times in 2 months if that tells how confident their decision making is. Took clones from VERY SICK mother plants (that had been allowed to flower because the owner accidentally turned off the lights and no one knew it happened.)

I just setup an entire iGrow environment control system for the greenhouse (which had a very thick fucking manual that was boring as shit to read,) just to find out the grow doesn't want to run internet out there. So this fancy, expensive control system that we should be able to monitor from home and even make adjustments from, just doesn't work. When I offered to call the telecomm to get a quote on running a line or if we had some wireless options (we have line of sight to everything from the house,) I was told "I don't think calling them is going to do anything for us." It's a local company. *shaking head* Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. But they won't let us trench the line ourselves (cuz we just too dumb, boss, hurr hurr hurr.)

Fucking A.
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