Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Anyone know weather its best to sog or scrog when growing in a large factory? Just curious
Licenses often dictate plant numbers so commercial growers do neither. Their goal is highest weight per plant with minimum labor input.
First girl down, 1ltr pot day 59

Just about keeping on top of the biggest girl,,

At yearly check up for #1 and #2. Tell me why the nurse is asking my *ELEVEN* year old if he is abusing alcohol, marijuana, other drugs, over the counter meds, or household chemicals to get high? He was like "drugs are illegal why would I want to do that?" The fact that they ask about household chemicals really bothered me, like, I'm sure that thought has never crossed his mind until now.
I opened the tent this morning and my Meph girl in the EB threw me a curveball with a huge blast of bubblegum when I brushed one of the side branches. There was something else underlying, but the strong bubblegum just overwhelmed it.
Other than the LST, I really have'touched her with my hands since flower started.
Up until now, the odor in the tent has pretty much been just like Sour of the parents of this cross.
I have no idea from Meph on how long she will run, but found some running around 80-90 days. She's at 46 days, so she's roughly halfway thru. This girls is going to get really frosty as she sits. Should I begin a little UV for a few min at mid cycle now or wait for later?
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