Oh I used to love cigars! But had the same issue of not having enough time to sit for several hours. I tried the smaller sizes but I didn't like the way they burned. Too hot, less flavor and nuance.
I ended up giving in to the old man stereotype and got a pipe, or three... I love to have just a nip of tobacco and a short walk in cool autumn air. It's a nice compromise as I can have more or less to smoke without being tied to a cigars set volume.
Plus, I am all in on "old man" stuff these days.
Cafe Creme are very small cigars about the size of a cigarette.
The burn well if you want a mini weed cigar.
Let me explain why.
Cafe Creme cigars are made in the same way Phillie Blunts are made.
They use a wrapper of "Tobacco paper" rather than 100% tobacco leaves, as you would with a proper high class cigar!
Cafe Creme and Phillie blunts then have a real bit of tobacco leaf wrapped over the top of the tobacco paper to make them look legit.
Just like Phillie Blunts, the out tobacco leaf is removed when making a weed blunt or a hollowed out weed cigar.
The out leaf give a bitter taste, which is why we remove it.
The tobacco paper is made from chopped tobacco and has a much more even burn to it than pure leaf cigars.
So if you can try some Cafe Creme cigars for mini weed cigars.
I made some for a pals leaving do when I was a chef and everybody loved them!
I just had a look and you can get them in the USA!
Don't try to use these for Blunts unless you want a toothpick cigar.
Remove outer leaf and hollow with a small screwdriver.
It is best to make the whole tin up in one go, as it save time later and then seal the tin in a ziplock bag and add a boveda pack if you like.