Lots of cheap vapes do the job. I have been using my Atmos Jump for the better part of three years, and it still works perfectly. I am no connoisseur, but when the unit is clean, the taste seems pretty fine to me. Not a huge difference than the same strain in my Arizer AirII which is known for fine flavour. The main difference is the draw resistance which just requires a different vape technique, no biggie in my books.
The Jump is on for less than $60Cdn at Tvape at the moment, and worth every penny. If you have a bit more to spend, the V-tower is on for $99Cdn at the Arizer Canadian website, which is a fantastic price for one of the best convection vapes out there. Just with fewer bells and whistles than the "higher" end models. I am hoping that one may appear under the tree later this month.