Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Well the Anvil still isn't up....hope it didn't die when I set it.....thinking I'll have to hope 1 of the APK freebies is female and can handle an up pot when they show sex. BS, RC and DP are doing fine. Probably turn the res on this weekend. 5 gallon of water to start. Chilly morning, good coffee.
On further reflection about what a retail job would entail, I'm not sure I want to come into contact with that many people. What with what is still out there and this new strain starting up, would really worry about bringing it home to wife. She already has compromised immunity. Plus I'll be filing for SS in a few months when I turn 62. Sometimes all the choices suck I guess.
Yeah, I think that’s a pretty substantial risk for both, with you being no spring chicken and her compromised immunity.
Yeah, you don't want to take a lower paying job just before applying for SS. I will lower your monthly benefit.
Yeah, I think that’s a pretty substantial risk for both, with you being no spring chicken and her compromised immunity.
Yeah, you don't want to take a lower paying job just before applying for SS. I will lower your monthly benefit.
Yeah, woulda been a kool job though....or it coulda sucked, lol, never know. Gonna have to go up there soon anyways. Promised Scott a sheet of the M-H stickers I got with lights and need some more grodan's.
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:crying: :crying: :crying: Last 3 words sell it for me.......:crying:....bit of Alexa kit I'm looking at for me Mother..............
I just watched a vid where a Tucson cop executed a 61yr old man in a god damn wheel chair!:grrr1::grrr1:

It was two day ago, but I've yet to see or hear a damn thing. I guess if he was black, it would have already been picked up by the national news and that's all we'd be hearing about.................with all the facts screwed up!

At least the cowardly bastard was fired yesterday, but where is the arrest? It was simply an execution. There is absolutely no excuse he could possibly have............NONE!
NONE of the police shootings, justified or not., were this blatant as this!

This cop should never breathe another breath in freedom.

This is NOT a comment about any race in any way or form. It's purely a comment on the POS national news organizations.

Sorry, I had to get this off my chest! Delete this post if it's offensive or out of line.
On a much more positive note, my Vet friend and his wife just had their second baby!! :woohoo:

It took them 16 years to get their boy last year in August and now they have a little girl!
I did warn them last year that this could happen!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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