Yep 4 fricken sure. When I was in high school My friends and I would bring our shotguns to school so we could hunt on our way home in southern Mich farm fields
LOL! Same here! We had one kid get in trouble for a pellet gun..............he was shooting certain cars. He's real lucky he didn't shoot mine!
Our worst problem was knives and brotha's rakes. Both would piss me off to no end, but a knife has always made me see red. I've always considered someone pulling a knife a threat to my life as much as a gun.
A friend and I were stationed at NTC Great Lakes(Naval Training Center) wanted a hoagie late one night We went off to 'The Strip' to this sandwich shop. We rounded the corner and there were two guys that flicked out switchblades and one guy said, "Give up da money fool!" I looked at my friend and asked, "Steve, do you want to give them our money?" Steve replied, "Hell no!!! Let's take their money!"
This just screwed with these tards heads! LOL! Steve was a HUGE nerd, but his Dad was a martial art instructor.

Steve laid a boot upside one fool's head and it was one hell of a hit! I swept the legs of the other fool and pile drove an elbow to his face and blood sprayed like a fountain! Both out cold!
We quickly ransacked them quickly. These POS must have been rolling sailors all damn night! They were friggin LOADED! No way were we going to keep that much money! Knowing that, we left the money with the Chaplain's office by slipping it in his mail slot with a little note what we wanted done with it. Give it to the guys that were rolled.
Yeah, those poor muggers made the news. Naturally, they left out that they were the aggressors and that they were rolling sailors. Steve called the cops from a payphone a couple of days after when we were in Chicago and let them know the facts.

It sucked with us having to lay low on base. I did meet an older woman in Chi-town the next weekend, so I spent the remaining weekends in the city. What a condo that woman had.......but that's another story!

Families face bitter disappointment this Christmas as an army of computer bots snap up popular presents to sell on at eye-watering prices.

Grot Bots........
Fuggers have been doing that since the release of Sony's PS5. Doesn't bother me much with no game that I've just gotta play on it.........yet.
It would be nice to have two consoles again though. I can do some interesting things with two consoles on some games, with me controlling the second with my laptop.