Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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The way I grow autos there are the main 8 colas and they will all be fairly equal in ripeness. Lower buds ( and there are many of them) will be less ripe due to less light and less hormones. Even though the apical dominance is broken the largest stems still get more growth hormones.
Would it be worth cutting the tops and letting the bottom ripen? Or does that just stunt them and halt growth.
Would it be worth cutting the tops and letting the bottom ripen? Or does that just stunt them and halt growth.

don't worry, a staggered harvest duzn't hurt em a bit :thumbsup: ppp
Would it be worth cutting the tops and letting the bottom ripen? Or does that just stunt them and halt growth.
Some people do that. It is fine. I like having some of different ripeness and I just find it a whole lot easier to harvest a whole plant. Lazzy!:baked: Stoner.
Had another healthy sized sammich for dinner! Good ol club on a croissant and it’s mmm mmm good! :headbang:
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