Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I found them on sale for a hundred bucks right now :woohoo1:
Last check was $50 for the solo1 if u choose silver color! Like a stoner I totally forgot to price check around before I ordered mine so I paid $95 when coulda been $49.95 thru I think it was!
Daily occurrence around here. Real pita when you're on the phone with clients and you can't hear anything cause they're doing flybys.
We often have military flying there for training but blue angels are only for air shows! Probably one this weekend and today was practice for the show! Def saw many maneuvers done several times so that’s my guess! Not sure why they’d have an air show on a Thursday afternoon! :shrug::rofl:
All ready to kick this party off! Doing it right this time not rushing so got pots all filled up with soil and watered and I’ll let em chill in tent with light on full til tomorrow evening! By then beans will have been soaking 48hrs and will have some nice healthy tails thereby eliminating any need for paper towel! :thumbsup:

Finally get to put the Samsung photo boost light I built to proper use! At time I got all stuff to put it together I was in middle of a run and was same run where photo plants in 2x4 were taller then the door and I had to add extension mid grow so was no option to squeeze light into there so it went into 4x4 to use for 2nd half of bloom on my 2 trizkits girls! Think using from day 1 these girls gonna be some happy campers and grow nice and robust!:woohoo1::headbang::cooldance:
Last check was $50 for the solo1 if u choose silver color! Like a stoner I totally forgot to price check around before I ordered mine so I paid $95 when coulda been $49.95 thru I think it was!
Oh, I was talking about the Argo for a hundred (usually over two hundred)
We often have military flying there for training but blue angels are only for air shows! Probably one this weekend and today was practice for the show! Def saw many maneuvers done several times so that’s my guess! Not sure why they’d have an air show on a Thursday afternoon! :shrug::rofl:
Yeah people park on the edge of the 2 lane along the outer perimeter of the base to stop and take videos of them when the practice but like, its all the time since they're stationed here so I don't get it lol. I think they canceled this years air show here since people made such a huge stink about them requiring masks lmao.
Hello Everyone. Have a great Friday.
Thank God its Friday. Having a sleep in tomorrow, for sure.


Happy Friday @EP3 ..:friday:.....

Happy Friday everyone.....:pass:.....award yourselves an Extra smoke break....we have Survived another week...

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