Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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If it is too have to Manage it yourself @WildBill .... :pass: ..1 job a day.....keep the Essentials going...ignore the rest.

You are Supposed to be Retired......:pighug:
Good Morning Auntie!
I think you may have the wrong Bill, but the advice is applicable.
Trying to 'Get Right' with a plain coffee and a little vape.
Canna coffee is next on order.
Just waiting for new babies to pop up their heads.
Here's the MiniMee version of my Asian Haze I harvested last week.
Canna is so damn interesting. I took this clone just to see if I could do it and to see if it could be grown in a tent. She stayed small. She's an odd FastPhoto or Semi-Auto. I tried to reverse her with STS on a 18/6 schedule, but nothing happened. This made me flip it to 12/12. Silly girl started flowering two days later. There's no flower stretch with this girl. The mothers raged from sprout. The one in a 15gal pot showed sex and flowering first. Once the buds develop to a certain size, the raging slows and quickly stops. It grew to around 5ft. The Haze in the EarthBox went longer and got to just over 9ft.
This clone did the same thing. This is also the same clone that went nuts and her leaves went mutant in structure when I sprayed her with STS. At one time, she only had ONE normal canna leaf. I can't find that pic, but this is her changing back to normal.

Her structure also changed. It just went wild and deranged! LOL!
The other clone didn't get sprayed and she has a normal structure.

Here she is from yesterday...............after cleaning up her bottom and supercropping not long after the group pic. She's getting nicely formed buds. At least I get to see what this kind of buds this strain can make under better light than what I had outside. If the bud turns out as good as I think it will be, I think I'll try growing it in my 4x4 in an EarthBox................and keep it small enough.


Have a great afternoon!!!!!!
@St. Tom Thanks for the rep brother!:bighug:
I am happy to help, this particular subject has a lot of anecdotal advive with little to back it up!
This is not to say the advice is always, wrong!
Sometimes it is right on the money.
It's the sorting the chaff from the wheat which is the challenge.
It took many hours to compile and probably need an edit and a tidy up, I asked Waira to have a look see and will probably make a condensed version for first timers.
Nobody has take the time to compile all the data I have, so it is now there and the bones can be picked at liesure now!

I'm always happy to help you out and I know it goes both ways!:cheers:
You have been a brick and helped me out plenty of times.:thumbsup:

In recent times I have been encouraging new memebers to go a seek knowledge.
This knowledge should already be in the forums.
I just don't want to form a culture of "just ask arty", although I will lend a hand when needed!

I would hope over time to compile more info, especially on topics which aren't always clear or easy to understand.
I would like to do this in conjunction with other members of staff, just to make sure we are all on the same page!
If anyone wants to have a read through here is the link.
It is still a work in progress but it is still a useful tool as is!
Fungus Gnats - Prevention,Cures and Myths
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@St. Tom Thanks for the rep brother!:bighug:
I am happy to help, this particular subject has a lot of anecdotal advive with little to back it up!
This is not to say the advice is always, wrong!
Sometimes it is right on the money.
It's the sorting the chaff from the wheat which is the challenge.
It took many hours to compile and probably need an edit and a tidy up, I asked Waira to have a look see and will probably make a condensed version for first timers.
Nobody has take the time to compile all the data I have, so it is now there and the bones can be picked at liesure now!

I'm always happy to help you out and I know it goes both ways!:cheers:
You have been a brick and helped me out plenty of times.:thumbsup:

In recent times I have been encouraging new memebers to go a seek knowledge.
This knowledge should already be in the forums.
I just don't want to form a culture of "just ask arty", although I will lend a hand when needed!

I would hope over time to compile more info, especially on topics which aren't always clear or easy to understand.
I would like to do this in conjunction with other members of staff, just to make sure we are all on the same page!
If anyone wants to have a read through here is the link.
It is still a work in progress but it is still a useful tool as is!
Fungus Gnats - Prevention,Cures and Myths
I will let aunty or @Waira take a look and thanks again bro
@St. Tom Thanks for the rep brother!:bighug:
I am happy to help, this particular subject has a lot of anecdotal advive with little to back it up!
This is not to say the advice is always, wrong!
Sometimes it is right on the money.
It's the sorting the chaff from the wheat which is the challenge.
It took many hours to compile and probably need an edit and a tidy up, I asked Waira to have a look see and will probably make a condensed version for first timers.
Nobody has take the time to compile all the data I have, so it is now there and the bones can be picked at liesure now!

I'm always happy to help you out and I know it goes both ways!:cheers:
You have been a brick and helped me out plenty of times.:thumbsup:

In recent times I have been encouraging new memebers to go a seek knowledge.
This knowledge should already be in the forums.
I just don't want to form a culture of "just ask arty", although I will lend a hand when needed!

I would hope over time to compile more info, especially on topics which aren't always clear or easy to understand.
I would like to do this in conjunction with other members of staff, just to make sure we are all on the same page!
If anyone wants to have a read through here is the link.
It is still a work in progress but it is still a useful tool as is!
Fungus Gnats - Prevention,Cures and Myths
I'll definitely be giving that a read, I hate those little fuckers. I've been lucky this grow but my 1st was a mess with them.
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