Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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What should I do? They others look the same as they did, just that one looked funny. Is whole plant up for scrap? There are 3 other one in my space. Freaking out!! Lol, cry. :smoking:
Myself I'd get that plant out of there and watch the others closely. Finish it out in a different location if you can.
The Attitude seemed to be..we are Bigger than needing advertising/testing....:shrug:..hey...we Work with people who want to work with us...

I've germed them as little as 7-10 days off the Mothers.......:headbang:..but I'd say 1 months gets you Optimum germ rates.
Thanks @Mossy :bighug::pass:
I have used The attitude in the past but I generally use other seed banks , such as Discrete Seeds and Seed City and used to use Seedsman for a long time but I can get seeds cheaper, elesewhere.
I generally also try to use UK seedbanks as it is faster to get to me.
What should I do? They others look the same as they did, just that one looked funny. Is whole plant up for scrap? There are 3 other one in my space. Freaking out!! Lol, cry. :smoking:

I'm the wrong person to advise....I Know some people process it and I'm sure someone will chip in.
I'm Total mold phobic......:headbang:...sometimes just 1 plant will be a bit more sensitive and susceptible...:shrug:..Fingers Crossed for the others.

If they were mine...I'd Cease all Feeds...but I'm outdoor...
@blue good morning!:bighug:
Just go for a belt with pockets, I know we would all like to see that you little minx! >^.^< XD
Just don't speak with you gruff voice Bernard!:rofl:
ah yes now I remember what I came to say!
Banners are working for me, I guess you must have fixed it!:thumbsup:
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Thanks @Mossy :bighug::pass:
I have used The attitude in the past but I generally use other seed banks , such as Discrete Seeds and Seed City and used to use Seedsman for a long time but I can get seeds cheaper, elesewhere.
I generally also try to use UK seedbanks as it is faster to get to me.

Sorry @arty zan ..the Attitude at that Fert Company seemed to be.......... :headbang:
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