Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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LMAO the friend sent the seeded buds, I had to deseed the damn things.
Yes, it did take forever and yes, to never doing it again a complete PITA!

Been there...done that........Never Again........ :crying: :crying: :crying:

Now come on Mossy you know germinatin cannabis seeds in the UK without a licence, can get you into hot water, trendy or not!

Gawd......:doh:..I Forgot that one.......Best just keep them as Souveneirs then......:crying:

I want to do some seed runs but I need to get a good stash behind me first, running out is not an option!

Aye...I have Really Enjoyed just running females for bud most of the season..I'll Try repeating next season. Get some F4 seed off Spring...then Test all Spring summer autumn...
Pollenting the current f4's is not an option at this time in my season.
Usually leads to a High aborted seed count....and they are Worse than seeds....:headbang:....
:crying: :crying::crying: I've just been having this Talk with a new pollenator in the staff room.........:crying:

Nobody on Earth could possibly need all that much seed.....what you doing with it....?

In Guernsey in the 1880s:
‘A vision of your future husband can … be obtained by the sowing of hemp-seed. The young maiden must scatter on the ground some hemp-seed, saying: Hemp-seed I sow, hemp-seed grow,
For my true love to come and mow,
Having done this she must immediately run into the house to prevent her legs being cut off by the reaper’s sickle, and looking back she will see the longed-for lover mowing the hemp, which has grown so rapidly, and so mysteriously.

:crying: :crying: :crying:

Spain 2021....Cast your Dragons near and far....and if some damn bloke turns up to Mow them...cut His legs off with a sickle......
Blood and bone are good soil amendments.....:eyebrows:
Hey guys. I went to look at my plants and noticed that some leaves around a bud had turned yellow overnight.
Thought that's weird, looked closer and I think it is bud rot?


I think I am right? What should I do? Chopped the offending bud off already. Been trying to stick to the VPD chart too after I added a dehumidifier!?
Any advice humbly taken,
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