Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Thanks for the rep hugs y'all. Hubs is off to work and gma literally just called to ask if she could pick up the boys now. Told her I'd drop them off later, that #2 was working on school work still. He's not, but if she knew they couldn't come yet because they're *gasp* cleaning I'd get an earful. Apparently that is 100% my responsibility and how dare I try to teach my kids to idk be functioning humans I guess. Really prefer they not go out into the world with no idea how to take care of themselves like I did, that kind of crash course is *not* easy. She caters to them hand and foot when they're with her, so we are the mean awful ones for making them be responsible for their own things and helping out to keep the house functional. Different generations I suppose. If it were all left to me though our house would be a wreck cause its just too much for one person to handle alone. Especially since no one ever taught me to do any of it.

stonerobzervation -> u have 420 rep pointz atm :headbang: jus sayin & carry on plz....:smoking: ppp
It gets easier!
10 deep breaths works wonders when your feeling anxious!
It relaxes you and get more oxygen to your noggin!
Being part of something and talking to people also helps!
AFN is one of the friendliest Forums on the interweb, great that you found us!
The more you feel relaxed the less manic you will feel.
However laughter is also good medicine, everything in moderation though!
Tears help get rid of hormone build ups,which make you feel emotional, which is why you feel better after a cry!
Talking to a counselor can also help, with things like coping mechanisms, so things never get so big you can't deal with it!
Once we stop feeling overwhelmed and we can see that by doing a little bit at a time, we can do anything we put our minds to.
Step by step, piece by piece, is the way forward, trying to tackle big problems, all in one go, will beat you every time.
Slow and low is the tempo!
I remember reading something about humans learning to keep trauma and stress stored in their bodies. We learn that shaking and shivering after stress or trauma is a sign of weakness or something so we train ourselves not to do it. They suggest it is necessary to shake as it resets the nervous system. They have a weird exercise you can do to make yourself shake. I've never tried cause it sounds too much like a workout
I remember reading something about humans learning to keep trauma and stress stored in their bodies. We learn that shaking and shivering after stress or trauma is a sign of weakness or something so we train ourselves not to do it. They suggest it is necessary to shake as it resets the nervous system. They have a weird exercise you can do to make yourself shake. I've never tried cause it sounds too much like a workout
Pretty sure this is the same sort of release I get when I trip and leak from the eyes the whole time lmao.
It will happen... oh man.. I guess just let the lil ones no just how special a person who raises others children are..
any fool can be a dad but it takes a real man to be an actual “father”

Lol dr. Suesski
Thing 1 and thing2
Oh and they know it lol. They are just getting to that age I think. Not to mention grandma has them believing that they shouldn't have to do anything for themselves, which means there's a lot of conflicting input. I'm trying though lol.
I am different at 14 I attempted a half hearted suicide attempt and landed in an psychiatric hospital in ny. Out for less than 9 mos and back in a detention center until I got my ged. I grew up in a different world. Never really adjusted to being around normal people.
The Navy finished raising me. While most of the stuff wasn't different than my civilian raising, but I'd say there was quite a bit of 'raising' that didn't quite conform to the rest of the world. LOL!......that's a friggin' understatement.:doh:

The Navy recognized my typical A-type personality and capitalized on it in many ways. Did/Does it affect me today..........DUH! Without a friggin doubt...........I'm curbing my language! LOL!
There are quite a few things I still do that aren't quite considered in the 'normal range' of actions. It's a hell of a lot better after all these years. :funny:
It was not good for someone to tell me "No" for quite a few years after I got out. I was not used to people telling me no. I got almost everything I asked for in the Navy.........except to stay in after I got hurt. I was used to giving orders and them being followed without question. Civilian life just isn't like that!:funny: It still gets to me sometimes.

There are many things that I still do that's not quite considered 'normal'. As one example, I still can't go to a restaurant and sit without my back to a wall and a good view of exits and entrances. It just isn't happening and it doesn't matter if it's a fancy place or fast food establishment.

At times, I still closely evaluate people and plan different defensive and offensive moves if the need arises. It's not always an obvious adversary interaction. It's something I still have to make a conscious effort to control. I've been lucky, for the most part, that I've been able to control those "Navy cultured instincts".
Yes, there have been times when those cultured instincts have saved my ass or helped someone else. Some I'm proud of, some not s o much. I've scared myself with some of those instincts.
Before I got out, this one stupid female Commanding officer of the transient command being discharged..........good discharges and bad. She cancelled my previously approved leave for Christmas and denied me "home awaiting discharge" orders after she denied my leave. She put me in charge of managing the barracks of those that were being discharged. I had one really bad problem child.....just a constant source of drama. One night, he was on the stairs next to the watch that controlled entrants. I was going out to my truck that was parked in my assigned place for the job I had at the barracks, my one and only perk of the stupid babysitting job.
This gooberhead was talking mad crap about me and made the comment about going outside and screwing up something on my truck. I was right behind this moron during this convo he was having........yeah, it was night and I tend to walk very quietly at night. LOL!
I didn't think when I heard this fugger when he said he was gonna screw up my truck. I threw him into a choke hold and put him out with in seconds. I let him drop and he started shaking. It scared the hell outta me and luckily it was very short-lived and he was fine. As he came to, I leaned over and whispered not so nice things in his ear. He didn't deserve that, even though that's breaking a big 'guy rule' of not messing with a man's ride. Luckily that has been a rare occurrence.
These "cultured instincts" have been beneficial at many times also, so it's not all bad. Outside this convince store, there were ta man and woman meth heads, with the woman having two small girls with her. Naturally they were panhandling for drug money. One of the little girls was crying for some food or something to drink. I went inside to get what I came for. I had to walk by these assholes to my truck. The little girl was still crying for something and as I approached the guy, he made a motion to slap the little girl. I dropped what was in my habds and had the guy up against the wall of the building in an instant and was a split-second from taking him out for good. Luckily for him, I pulled back and luckily for me, the cops were across the street watching everything go down. They came over quite quickly and took over. One of the cops knew me quite well, met him at the drag strip, so it was an uneventful turnover of the scum. The cop chuckled and said, "I knew you were a Vet, but that was bad ass!" I was freaked pretty bad. He was bleeding from his forehead and nose when I slammed his head against the wall and I found out later I broke two ribs when I brought a knee to the middle of his back. Blood and a methhead ain't good!
The woman started to freak, but the female cop handled her stupid butt quickly. The two poor little girls were crying for their mother after the cop put her in the back of the cop car. The female cop got them calmed quite a bit and asked if they needed something to drink. "Apple duce!" was their reply. I told the cop I'd go get it. I came back and gave the cop two cartons of juice. Both little girls got out a thank you in between sniffles.
I asked the cop if we were good and told him if he needed me more to come by the shop. I had to leave. The poor little girls were breaking my heart and the two 'adults' were making me mad thinking about what they were doing to these children.
CPS took the girls, but two weeks later I saw he same bitch back at the store with the little girls by her side and a different guy hanging around. I had to change stores I went to get stuff.

The point of this long ass diatribe.........there ya go!.:funny::funny:......We are ALL shades of 'normal'. That's not belittling the hard row you've had to go down. It's been a rough one. Maybe hearing of someone else's self-evaluation can help you in some way in your life. Someone's level of normalcy is not always that self-evident.

And no Mossy, I'm not on the sati. :biggrin::funny:
Evening @WildBill's your Haze holding up...?

She was getting a quite good shower when I started this post. I went out and gave her a blow dry to keep her looking lovely. I'm watching her very closely and can chop her at a moment's notice. For a landrace, she has quite nicely formed buds that are getting frosty and filling out very nicely. I'm trying to not be greedy, but IF she can make it thru the next two days, there's some nice days ahead before she finishes. I need to go out and scope the trichs to give me a bit more info. I'm trying to not press my luck with the rot, but I have been using Phyter every other day to fight the rot from fairly early on in flower. In the last few weeks, the only rot has started from bug activity. Luckily, bugs haven't been a big problem. Even as she sits now, I'd expect a very good harvest.
I'm not much for trimming up sativa buds for flower, so she will be mostly a hash girl.
Oh no! That means I'll ONLY have hash or rosin to smoke for a month or so! Poor me!:eyebrows::eyebrows::funny:

ps.........just finished up my first canna coffee in a few days from last nights dry ice worked material. Just on the first infusion. The second batch of material is decarbing at the moment. I'll rerun the cannabutter back thru for the next run of infusion when the decarb cycle is finished.
Just finished the first cup bout 10 min ago. It's gonna be good!:eyebrows::eyebrows::headbang:
ok, phone shut down, on laptop now cause the market is just shyte today....longs are down 2800.00, prog and cei are having no jumps so sniping is neck hurts from craning over watching charts......screw it, don't need the money that badly......
I looked early this morning and I'm good with my stuff riding for a bit. Nice pick up from yesterday.
New LS started at 6:49 this morning BST.:thumbsup:
Does anyone reckon we can get to 40 pages before 6:49 tomorrow morning?:shrug:
We will be relying on our American/Canadian/South American/Australian (anyone on the other side of the world to Europe) members to carry the torch here!:woohoo1:
There maybe some European night owls too, make us proud and chat the night away!:hump:
We have had an amazing day in LS, lets keep it going and break the 40 pages in 24 hours!!:goodluck:
Approx 9 hours and 16 pages to go, easy peasy, lemon squeezy...right?
Can we do it? Yes we can! I know we can!:headbang:
The Navy finished raising me. While most of the stuff wasn't different than my civilian raising, but I'd say there was quite a bit of 'raising' that didn't quite conform to the rest of the world. LOL!......that's a friggin' understatement.:doh:

The Navy recognized my typical A-type personality and capitalized on it in many ways. Did/Does it affect me today..........DUH! Without a friggin doubt...........I'm curbing my language! LOL!
There are quite a few things I still do that aren't quite considered in the 'normal range' of actions. It's a hell of a lot better after all these years. :funny:
It was not good for someone to tell me "No" for quite a few years after I got out. I was not used to people telling me no. I got almost everything I asked for in the Navy.........except to stay in after I got hurt. I was used to giving orders and them being followed without question. Civilian life just isn't like that!:funny: It still gets to me sometimes.

There are many things that I still do that's not quite considered 'normal'. As one example, I still can't go to a restaurant and sit without my back to a wall and a good view of exits and entrances. It just isn't happening and it doesn't matter if it's a fancy place or fast food establishment.

At times, I still closely evaluate people and plan different defensive and offensive moves if the need arises. It's not always an obvious adversary interaction. It's something I still have to make a conscious effort to control. I've been lucky, for the most part, that I've been able to control those "Navy cultured instincts".
Yes, there have been times when those cultured instincts have saved my ass or helped someone else. Some I'm proud of, some not s o much. I've scared myself with some of those instincts.
Before I got out, this one stupid female Commanding officer of the transient command being discharged..........good discharges and bad. She cancelled my previously approved leave for Christmas and denied me "home awaiting discharge" orders after she denied my leave. She put me in charge of managing the barracks of those that were being discharged. I had one really bad problem child.....just a constant source of drama. One night, he was on the stairs next to the watch that controlled entrants. I was going out to my truck that was parked in my assigned place for the job I had at the barracks, my one and only perk of the stupid babysitting job.
This gooberhead was talking mad crap about me and made the comment about going outside and screwing up something on my truck. I was right behind this moron during this convo he was having........yeah, it was night and I tend to walk very quietly at night. LOL!
I didn't think when I heard this fugger when he said he was gonna screw up my truck. I threw him into a choke hold and put him out with in seconds. I let him drop and he started shaking. It scared the hell outta me and luckily it was very short-lived and he was fine. As he came to, I leaned over and whispered not so nice things in his ear. He didn't deserve that, even though that's breaking a big 'guy rule' of not messing with a man's ride. Luckily that has been a rare occurrence.
These "cultured instincts" have been beneficial at many times also, so it's not all bad. Outside this convince store, there were ta man and woman meth heads, with the woman having two small girls with her. Naturally they were panhandling for drug money. One of the little girls was crying for some food or something to drink. I went inside to get what I came for. I had to walk by these assholes to my truck. The little girl was still crying for something and as I approached the guy, he made a motion to slap the little girl. I dropped what was in my habds and had the guy up against the wall of the building in an instant and was a split-second from taking him out for good. Luckily for him, I pulled back and luckily for me, the cops were across the street watching everything go down. They came over quite quickly and took over. One of the cops knew me quite well, met him at the drag strip, so it was an uneventful turnover of the scum. The cop chuckled and said, "I knew you were a Vet, but that was bad ass!" I was freaked pretty bad. He was bleeding from his forehead and nose when I slammed his head against the wall and I found out later I broke two ribs when I brought a knee to the middle of his back. Blood and a methhead ain't good!
The woman started to freak, but the female cop handled her stupid butt quickly. The two poor little girls were crying for their mother after the cop put her in the back of the cop car. The female cop got them calmed quite a bit and asked if they needed something to drink. "Apple duce!" was their reply. I told the cop I'd go get it. I came back and gave the cop two cartons of juice. Both little girls got out a thank you in between sniffles.
I asked the cop if we were good and told him if he needed me more to come by the shop. I had to leave. The poor little girls were breaking my heart and the two 'adults' were making me mad thinking about what they were doing to these children.
CPS took the girls, but two weeks later I saw he same bitch back at the store with the little girls by her side and a different guy hanging around. I had to change stores I went to get stuff.

The point of this long ass diatribe.........there ya go!.:funny::funny:......We are ALL shades of 'normal'. That's not belittling the hard row you've had to go down. It's been a rough one. Maybe hearing of someone else's self-evaluation can help you in some way in your life. Someone's level of normalcy is not always that self-evident.

And no Mossy, I'm not on the sati. :biggrin::funny:

She was getting a quite good shower when I started this post. I went out and gave her a blow dry to keep her looking lovely. I'm watching her very closely and can chop her at a moment's notice. For a landrace, she has quite nicely formed buds that are getting frosty and filling out very nicely. I'm trying to not be greedy, but IF she can make it thru the next two days, there's some nice days ahead before she finishes. I need to go out and scope the trichs to give me a bit more info. I'm trying to not press my luck with the rot, but I have been using Phyter every other day to fight the rot from fairly early on in flower. In the last few weeks, the only rot has started from bug activity. Luckily, bugs haven't been a big problem. Even as she sits now, I'd expect a very good harvest.
I'm not much for trimming up sativa buds for flower, so she will be mostly a hash girl.
Oh no! That means I'll ONLY have hash or rosin to smoke for a month or so! Poor me!:eyebrows::eyebrows::funny:

ps.........just finished up my first canna coffee in a few days from last nights dry ice worked material. Just on the first infusion. The second batch of material is decarbing at the moment. I'll rerun the cannabutter back thru for the next run of infusion when the decarb cycle is finished.
Just finished the first cup bout 10 min ago. It's gonna be good!:eyebrows::eyebrows::headbang:

uh, yeah...and what was bill sayin about his diatribez-? :rofl: :rolleyes2: ppp
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