Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Afternoon @Frank the Dank :pass: ..sharing one.....our dogs got an xmas prezzie this year......

I bought pigs in blankets without reading the label....when I got them home...they had wheat the dogs got a Nice Surprise....:pighug:
Morning Auntie :pass: Duder got a nice piece of prime rib last night, and my mom sent him some treats……he was deathly afraid of the wrapping paper they were in:rofl:
I'm so grateful to live outside the city. It's out in the country, but not like the farm. I friend that lives in the MetroMess, that's D/FTW Metro area fer you unlucky non-Texans, just told me, first thing this morning, he had to yell at a new neighbor that was pissing on the fence separating them.
My friend was enjoying the rare Dec. open window night and this nasty 'new neighbor', a direct courtesy of good ol' Sleepy Joe's Open Door southern border policy and no testing mandate for them. I just couldn't have tolerated it and would have just had to do more than yelling at the nasty POS bastard.
That's Joe!:shrug:
I hope everybody has survived the holiday excesses in good form.

I made it through 3 Christmas dinners (W.African at noon, American at 5pm, and Cruzan at 10pm).
Yeah, I think I put on 15 pounds yesterday... Had three dinners too, All American, but cooked differently.
Morning Auntie :pass: Duder got a nice piece of prime rib last night, and my mom sent him some treats……he was deathly afraid of the wrapping paper they were in:rofl:

:crying: Poor Dude.....:pighug:....our older dog is OCD about Anything new that comes in the house.....
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