Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Well....I Tried.......... :pass: ....put 6 photos to germ at the coldest.....lowest light part of the season........only the one broke through.....and...that is about 2 weeks old...never moved........suspended animation.....
Pulled a Walt Disney on ya! Frozen in place! :crying:
Yeah, I think I put on 15 pounds yesterday... Had three dinners too, All American, but cooked differently.
I remember the traditional American Italian Christmas dinner I got to attend many years ago. My sister-in-law's boyfriend**'s Mom from Chicago came out to La<a Land for Christmas. Everything was made from scratch and she brought everything with her..
It was soooooooooooo damn good! I did outdo myself, and his Mom was VERY pleased with my second and third trip to her fabulous wares. His Mom made me bust out laughing, hurt a bit being so damn full, when she commented on my eating, popped her 30- something year old son in the back of the head and said, "Why can't you be like Bill? Mangia! Mangia!"
I haven't been that post-meal-comatose in many years! I had at least one sample of everything. I just ate and my mouth is watering thinking about it! LOL!
It was the first time I got to meet a traditional "Italian Mom"! Too damn funny from afar for sure!

**Same guy that owned the recording studio in La.
Speaking of cold + plants had someone who is here in Texas start an outdoor plant in early October! By day 70 it was like 18” tall but only 3 nodes and was starting some wimpy ass flowers and tried telling him it was cuz he started it too late but not only did he not listen 2 days ago he was asking questions on how to germ his current seed THAT HE WAS ONCE AGAIN GOING TO PLANT AND THEN PUT OUTSIDE! :doh::crying:

If I'd started the photos at the same time as I germed the Autos...they probably would have been okay...and they would harvest after the March 12/12..... :headbang:

Autos aren't supposed to grow on less than 10 hours of light either......:biggrin:

Totally weather dependent....:pass:
Well done on the Mars win @Fermented_Fruitz :headbang:

Turkey left overs for me tea :smoking:
Thanks buddy def needed it! Current light works great but makes my bedroom too toasty! Hoping the driver not being inside tent anymore will help keep the temps down! :d5:
I'm so grateful to live outside the city. It's out in the country, but not like the farm. I friend that lives in the MetroMess, that's D/FTW Metro area fer you unlucky non-Texans, just told me, first thing this morning, he had to yell at a new neighbor that was pissing on the fence separating them.
My friend was enjoying the rare Dec. open window night and this nasty 'new neighbor', a direct courtesy of good ol' Sleepy Joe's Open Door southern border policy and no testing mandate for them. I just couldn't have tolerated it and would have just had to do more than yelling at the nasty POS bastard.
With love and respect, Bill, do I need to stop peeing on the fence? Been doing it for 30 years. I don't even know if it's my fence, or my neighbor's. If they complain I'll pee on my garage instead. I thought it might help knock down the weeds along the fence-line. As a fisherman, we always peed over the rail, or into a scupper. The ladies hung their derriere over the taffrail and nobody complained (except when we got kicked out of Nassau because of a tour boat passing close astern while somebody let fly a 'brown trout').

As far as I can tell, it's Mexican-Americans, Italian-Americans, and a host of other immigrant groups that make America great! Along with Native Americans and Black Americans, of course. By the way, my own kids and grand-kids are Hispanic (on my wives' sides), and they're Mayflower descendants and Okie/Choctaw on my side. That's why they call us a 'melting pot.' Would you have it any other way? What would we do without a variety of phenotypes...
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