but she accidentally killed the one squirrel she'z ever caught tryin to play with it....then kept wonderin why it wouldn't get up to play sum mo
Passin around a bit of the same grapey purple stuff :pass:
Im ok. I can stand up on my own . Im usin the walker tryna strengthen my legs. Knees burn pretty bad tho. Just got to get some help to move some stuff and ill be able to get to the kitchen again . Thanks for sharing the meals and recipes. Getting ready to have some kinda chicken tenders and idk , whatever else my aunt got from the deli for dinner
That is great news! The recipes I share in here is just so you can get an idea of how to steer your diet in the future. I ate chicken nuggets a lot when I could. I used to duck into McDs for a 10 piece regularly. It did contribute to making me fat. Chicken tenders were too slow at the KFC window. Then the king of them all Popeye's introduced the Chicken Sandwich from Heaven extra pickles. I must have the munchies :rofl:
Passin around a bit of the same grapey purple stuff :pass:
Im ok. I can stand up on my own . Im usin the walker tryna strengthen my legs. Knees burn pretty bad tho. Just got to get some help to move some stuff and ill be able to get to the kitchen again . Thanks for sharing the meals and recipes. Getting ready to have some kinda chicken tenders and idk , whatever else my aunt got from the deli for dinner