@N/A-Greengo turned me on to the pot poppers

@DCLXVI recommended the Gnatrol organic BTI

Before those things I did franks method too spinosad and at one point used all methods

Do you have a preference of those two?

As Frank said, I've used Caps Jacks spray a couple times this week to knock them back, but haven't soaked the soil. Just sprayed. It knock them down, but two days later the mfr's are back.
This is my 3x3 with 2, 5 gal pots. Its good but gets tight with 2 big plants. It's enough for me though and keeps me from getting too crazy. In a perfect world, I would get a 3×4 to give me enough to put two plants side by side and spread them out. I don't really have the space to do that in my current setup. I could get crazy and build a little room. I might do that as my family get older.

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Thanks @Emerald Archer they keep trading pace places. One busts out and the other one stalls, then they trade places. The Northern Light back left is starting to hit her last strech. It's been a good one so far.
Blueberry auto.JPG
I know right! I like my girls to be a bit top heavy though and found the 5 gals give me the effort:reward i'm looking for. I'm getting back into a rhythm after taking last summer off. Which really F'ed with my flow. Speaking of which, it's time to start the next round....

Yeah I settled on 5 gallon bags as well for coco and 7 gals worked the best with soil for my situation. In a 4x4 bed now. By far the easiest way for me so far. Has some some advantages and drawbacks, but by the easiest way to grow for me so far. Would like to do a rez in the near future