U can supercrop anytime tho! I am too stoned and lazy to search but i have done it several weeks into bloom and i hung something from branch to keep it at the 90° angle and all the little budlets going down that branch stood up themselves since the branch was held sideways vs hugging and growing alongside the branch like it normally would! Made trimming a breeze!
Here’s the difference…. If you do it at the right time in veg…..all those budlets that stood up would have become tops. And the right plant will turn them into long bud spears…. :pass:
Thanks dude! I just ordered it off Amazon.

This is the new way you guys are testing if your buds are the correct dryness before bags and jars? Y'all are an unending well of knowledge. What the heck man. A wood prong moisture meter. Never would have thought of that.

So once I cut the plant down, hang it to dry, then every couple of days I can stick this thing into the plant to test how dry it is? And do I stick it into the center of large buds or do I aim for the stems? I keep reading to test dryness by bending the stems until they snap instead of fold. Which seems real subjective for someone to determine let alone a noob.
This and grove bags are the way to go. Jars don't give me the same results as grove bags. After I trim I throw into grove bags and leave untouched for about 2 weeks and I am left with damn near perfectly cured bud. The longer it sits the better it gets. I'm sure curing in jars is still widely used but why hassle when grove bags are so much simpler, and cannatrol isn't really an option at this point in my hobby. No burping/set it and forget it is more my style. I don't have time or patience to open and close jars everyday. Depending on where you live, 5 to 8 days will be all you need to dry the plants. Usually by day 7 the plants are more than ready to be trimmed and bagged. That's where the moisture meter comes into play. Start checking around day 5 of hanging to get an idea of where it's at. And @Lil Dab gave me good advice about cleaning the prongs frequently cause they get resin all over them and it will throw the reading off. :toke:

Watch this to see how that wood moisture meter works with weed.

@wwwillie we need some help here! @420Forever done broke something again! :shrug::pighug::crying: