Sawney Beans Nightmare
Difference in weight per gram, perhaps….:shrug:
Uhhh maybe u mean difference in quantity per gram cuz me’s a no genius but weight per gram is same no matter what u weigh….its a gram! ;) :shrug::pighug::crying:

But a gram of calmag could def be a different quantity then a gram of megacrop! :d5:
Uhhh maybe u mean difference in quantity per gram cuz me’s a no genius but weight per gram is same no matter what u weigh….its a gram! ;) :shrug::pighug::crying:

But a gram of calmag could def be a different quantity then a gram of megacrop! :d5:
Yeah that’s what I meant…. Ones mostly a powder (unless it’s rockified itself), the other is tiny granules….. anywho…. I’m not only a weed grower, but also a consumer…. So, take the things I say with a grain of calmg pro….:haha::lildab:
Yeah that’s what I meant…. Ones mostly a powder (unless it’s rockified itself), the other is tiny granules….. anywho…. I’m not only a weed grower, but also a consumer…. So, take the things I say with a grain of calmg pro….:haha::lildab:
Ya i know this from weighing epsom and gypsum! The epsom is granules but the gypsum is soluble powder so u wind up with more weight in 1/8tsp vs the epsom!