You're a flusher?

nah, i grow organically, so there'z no need for such silleeness :nono: quite simply, he jus kept on askin about it & i wanted to give an answer that was plain & clear, with no room for doubt :rofl: :rolleyes2: u know, kinda like....

:headbang: ppp
nah, i grow organically, so there'z no need for such silleeness :nono: quite simply, he jus kept on askin about it & i wanted to make it plain & clear, with no room for doubt :rofl: :rolleyes2: u know, kinda like....

:headbang: ppp

Well, you a mod so you do as you like. Personally, I think forums are meant for discussion. If you are tired of me asking things and wanting to discuss things I am starting to think this forum is not what I have been looking for. Which of course is cool
I'm not very experienced with growing indoors in soil. With these Autoflowers I am now only 7 plants deep. I'll admit something that has gotten me flamed before. I hear what everyone with a ton more experience says. But. I water to runoff twice in a plants life if nothing happens. I just can't get the logic of overfilling if there's nothing I need to get out of there 🤷 Hydro was easier in a lot of ways.
I grow in coco and flushing is a regular thing. But it's not for soil. Runoff is a different animal then flushing :pass:
Well, you a mod so you do as you like.

yeah, pretty much :rofl: :biggrin:

mmm, but seriously, i jus wanted to give a reply, complete with a link, that was clear & concise is all....i mean, @KingRatt had already answered ur question pretty plainly i thought, but u jus kept askin, and well, simply put, it ain't rocket "flush" something is to cleanze it, or purge it of unwanted materialz, no more, no less....the link i provided explainz it all, so....jus sayin & carry on plz :toke: ppp
@Azton your just the new kid on the block, we have been over that topic so many times that our response is canned, its nothing personal.

I grow in rock wool so I ALWAYS Fertigate to 20% run off to waste every day that I fertigate. When it is time to change my reservoir I dilute the strength of the PPM by 50% and I FLUSH the rock wool cubes with 100% of the volume they hold over the course of 8 fertigations in the day. This flushes out any residual nutrients that may be building up out of balance but does not harm the biome. I start the next day's fertigations with fresh in balance nutrients.

Plants do not exuded nutrients once absorbed, they do however exude sugars and hormones to trigger microbes to make the nutrients they most want. So they cannot be flushed once overfed or out of balance.

You can do this kind of flush in coco. It is often used to correct an overfed or out of balance pot If done slowly over a day it does not harm the biome.

You should not do this kind of flush in peat based soil or compost based soil. Flushing peat or soil is usually the final nail in the coffin of an already dying plant. Some of them do manage to fall over the finish line but it ain't pretty.
@Azton your just the new kid on the block, we have been over that topic so many times that our response is canned, its nothing personal.

I grow in rock wool so I ALWAYS Fertigate to 20% run off to waste every day that I fertigate. When it is time to change my reservoir I dilute the strength of the PPM by 50% and I FLUSH the rock wool cubes with 100% of the volume they hold over the course of 8 fertigations in the day. This flushes out any residual nutrients that may be building up out of balance but does not harm the biome. I start the next day's fertigations with fresh in balance nutrients.

Plants do not exuded nutrients once absorbed, they do however exude sugars and hormones to trigger microbes to make the nutrients they most want. So they cannot be flushed once overfed or out of balance.

You can do this kind of flush in coco. It is often used to correct an overfed or out of balance pot If done slowly over a day it does not harm the biome.

You should not do this kind of flush in peat based soil or compost based soil. Flushing peat or soil is usually the final nail in the coffin of an already dying plant. Some of them do manage to fall over the finish line but it ain't pretty.
Hello @Mañ'O'Green great to see you! So true for peat/soil absolute last resort, usually alot of mistakes were made by this point lol. Hope all is well!
I am higher than giraffe well :rolleyes2: anything except toes I suppose.

The Lil'Stick is showing sex already that little tart.
@Mossy I haven't had bread since Xmas 😢 I miss bread. I dream about baguettes, pretzels and doughnuts dancing sometimes, smearing their crispy selves in butter and laughing at me.

Us too @Azton ... :bighug: ...we sometimes sit listing the sanis we miss...and 99% of gluten free alternatives are pure Shite......:d5:

What you off it for... apart from being ginger..and therefore a prime candidate for wheat intolerance.....?.......:pighug: