
On my conditions...if I can get them to sex before the worst weather hits... they'll finish......:watering:..

Gonna need a decent sized indoor going...:pass:...coz I feel you'll be treating yourself for a while...
Hope so cuz every little bit helps right now.

If i can get the light working ill b better and might be able to supply/support myself by the new year.
Seems like I had just gotten back into a rhythm with a nice perpetual grow and then back in the dang hospital :doh:
Tangie :lildab:
Hope so cuz every little bit helps right now.

If i can get the light working ill b better and might be able to supply/support myself by the new year.
Seems like I had just gotten back into a rhythm with a nice perpetual grow and then back in the dang hospital :doh:
I have a spare kingbrite qb if u need a light brosephine! ;) :d5: