Cheers for sharing.... :bighug: is something I have thought about.

Glad I didn't try. Good Luck getting off it.
When anyone says cannabis is Addictive...I say no it isn't...the Painkilling effect is.... sounds similar....:pass:
Yes its kinda similar. It reacts off your opioid receptor so its a similar high to them and similar withdrawals. And its at every smoke shop. So its so easy to just get some.And thanks for the reps.
Well, I'l ad my two cents to the medical shit. Seems like a bunch of peeps got stuff goin down....Friday thought I had a bad stomach bug. I can eat week old roadkill and it won't do a thing. Was miserable through Saturday and finally went to the ER. Surprise! You won an appendectomy!!!!

Got released a couple hours ago, but will be laid up for a few. Pretty sore from where they went in, but a million times better. Could have gotten a lot worse very quickly so good I went in when I did

Plants should have been chopped a couple days ago and haven't been watered in three days. We''ll see after a while...
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A legal win for shrooms

Court Rules Psychedelic Mushroom Dispensary Can Remain Open in Vancouver
A mushroom dispensary in Vancouver won in court after the city failed to provide enough evidence that its products contained psilocybin.

A Vancouver mushroom dispensary, Coca Leaf Café, just won a key court case after the city couldn’t prove its products contained psilocybin. Despite claims that most of the shop’s sales were from magic mushrooms, the court found the city’s evidence lacking—no products were tested, and no customers or employees were interviewed.

Our mushroom dispensaries will outlast the current mayor and council,” spokesperson Dana Larsen told DoubleBlind. “We will outlast the current chief of police. We’re not going anywhere and in the end, we are going to win.”

The City of Vancouver contended, according to CBC, that it didn’t need to further prove that the shop was selling a controlled substance. The inspector’s report that the business was “operating an illegal mushroom dispensary where substances containing psilocybin were being sold” was sufficient evidence. British Columbia provincial court judicial justice Aamna Afsar disagreed, though she found the director of the business guilty of a bylaw offense.
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

Pizza on the grill last night, it was ok but not anywhere near as good as the brick oven - 3 hours faster though. The dough was too thick, it was cooked through but it was too bread like. I like my crust more cracker like.



OMG people are so weird.
Well pretty sure I got Covid wife and SIL both had it last week through the weekend now I feel like crap body aches and fever boss told me to go home if I needed and coworker told me I look like shit cause I was sweating my ass off. I thought it was just hot out till he said “it’s not hot” so I went home at lunch :doh: :nono::pass:

Here is a can of get well soon!

Well pretty sure I got Covid wife and SIL both had it last week through the weekend now I feel like crap body aches and fever boss told me to go home if I needed and coworker told me I look like shit cause I was sweating my ass off. I thought it was just hot out till he said “it’s not hot” so I went home at lunch :doh: :nono::pass:
CBD stops it from replicating. Not THC, CBD.

My lady friend left me a package of edibles. 200 mg each, 10 gummies in the bag.

10-20 mg is a great "let's feel high but still get things done" dose.
50 mg is generally where someone is tucking me in.
100 mg and I'm going to wake up in the morning to a cock and balls drawn on my face with marker and every unopened bag of chips in the house is now unexplainably opened.
200 mg? Ludicrous speed.

My lady friend left me a package of edibles. 200 mg each, 10 gummies in the bag.

10-20 mg is a great "let's feel high but still get things done" dose.
50 mg is generally where someone is tucking me in.
100 mg and I'm going to wake up in the morning to a cock and balls drawn on my face with marker and every unopened bag of chips in the house is now unexplainably opened.
200 mg? Ludicrous speed.
View attachment 1704562
She sounds dope.