hey, it'z ur story :yeah: ppp
I know. That’s why I told it, and not you.

The Onion Rings I made the other day called for Beer in the batter. Naturally I had to use a GF Glutenberg IPA. I needed about a 4oz. and had to drink the rest of the 16oz can. Then, if you only drink one ale you get a nearly instant hang over so it is always best to drink two. I did.

Alcoholic logic, :haha:
The Onion Rings I made the other day called for Beer in the batter. Naturally I had to use a GF Glutenberg IPA. I needed about a 4oz. and had to drink the rest of the 16oz can. Then, if you only drink one ale you get a nearly instant hang over so it is always best to drink two. I did.

Alcoholic logic, :haha:
Hence, the reason I no longer drink…. One turns into fifteen…:doh::doh::doh:
Its so easy to rebuild! I hope that grow goes as awesome as it sounds! Im trying to picture a 300gal soil box and how big the plant that grows in that is!!! Youre gonna grow Jack’s Beanstalk!
Gonna freakin try, some of the Cali grows I’ve seen pics of use 1000 gal containers and they have to use ladders!
Round two…..

It’s like what Johnny Cash was saying about them Sunday morning beers…

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This is my desert cheeseburger, just from yesterday :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Burger truck opens soon….


Since it technically opens friday for grand opening! Then Thur-Sun after that if I remember correctly! :woohoo1: