You know you smoke too much weed when you start believing in pH. I am only on the level where I think MAYBE the moon is collecting our thoughts and broadcasting them back to cannabis through the sun, but pH is still a conspiracy theory.

I must have gotten a strong ass nug in my baccy yesterday because I ordered a new pH kit and I'll do some measurements. They have been doing construction in the waterworks and water tastes funny.

I am a bit scared. Last time I was messing around with the pH it didnt turn out well. My dad did better with his "pee in everything" way of doing stuff.

Maybe one of you pH-conspirarcists can lead me through it. Well, I have a few days to mentally prepare.
The leglization I would like to see is just stop sneaking around. I work. I pay tax. I hurt nobody, so fuck off and let me enjoy my herb. I don't need an excuse for the 30+ years of being harassed for no reason even. Just go and ruin some real criminals day instead and leave me alone.

Ya, that sounds bitter and shit, sorry. I just feel like social clubs and coffeeshops are further down on my list.
In Germany they have these social clubs now. I don't know, it sounds strange to me. Like some kind of organized play date.
You wanna be social and smoke? Hang out with your friends and smoke 🤷 What am I missing?
Maybe that's what humanity has come to. Loneliness has become such a problem we need to organize places where people who are willing to hang out with other can meet 😔 Dear God. Well, I'm happy it's not bars anymore. I used to work weekends in a bar like that. So sad.
Lonely people with drinks sitting and staring in to the wall hoping that someone will talk to them although they have forgotten how to show signs that you are willing to talk to someone. So they look like they will kill you if you talk, but if you do still, you'll have to listen to them for a week.

I strook up conversations with them all the time, tried to get them to talk to each other. Like "Hey, Rick over there has a motorhead t-shirt!" Like some kindergarten leader.

Daytime bartenderns should get some pedagogue education.
My old pH pen says the water is like 8+ so I'm hoping it's the pen 🙏
Do you check the accuracy of your pH pen from time to time? Even a brand new pen has to be calibrated before use. For me that means dipping my pen in a calibration solution sold by the manufacturer of the pen, and adjusting my pen to 7.0...
My pen:
Calibration fluid: