I have a bearded dragon. I'll have 2 Tuesday. Poor guy needs a bud.
I love me some strange exotic pets! If I wasn’t poor i woulda had 1 or the other of these as the local pet store had both at 1 point!

Coatimundi (like a cool ass raccoon type thing)

Kinkajou (cool ass animal but not good pets) Pretty sure pet store only sold the 1 as right around that time was when Paris Hilton had 1 as a pet and it attacked her!

Both were multiple thousands and this was 10yrs ago! PETA too powerful now prob super hard to even come by now! Plus with the kinkajou they have stinky ass musk glands they let off if annoyed so be stinking the house up….but may cover the overwhelming canna aroma i got going on atm! :shrug::crying: