Not quite but im definitely doin better than the drs said I would. Got a lot of strength building to do yet. Won't know more about the infection til the end of the month unfortunately. But im still here... Can't wait til i can do stairs so i can start growing again
pumpin monkey.gif
Picked up some BT today to deal with the caterpillars, why do butterflies have to be so destructive??!!?? I hate it but it should only be for a few weeks. Just so my outdoor girl can finish. Im lucky were in the middle of a heat wave, i can put her in the shade and spray her down and shell be dry in half an hr, normally i would avoid spraying so late but this santa ana weather is a godsend! Should be able to get her treated pretty thoroughly and wont be stressing about mold! This is what i use, cheapest i can find with all the same full strength ingredients as the higer end products but usually half the price of the other BT products around. Still safe for organics! Hopefully this ca help somebody with caterpillars in their garden! Its not a poison, just a bacteria that attacks caterpillars and is safe for animals and beneficials!
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

Great music and the girls dancing are good for circulation :rofl:

@Dabber what is happening in dabberville? I am trying to get a new grow going, in my sig. I have had the munchies lately so have been eating for two..........
Not real sure been in the fog trying to find my way out since Ms. D passed