

Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

The only time I recall when I was moving like that was when I steeped on a huge red ant mound. Boy those were the days. Thanks for the music. Brother
Great music and the girls dancing are good for circulation :rofl:

@Dabber what is happening in dabberville? I am trying to get a new grow going, in my sig. I have had the munchies lately so have been eating for two..........
So, after dealing with the sorrow of losing our black lab Jase, we decided to get some groceries in town. I picked up a couple bales of the HP organic (yellow). This “soil” will be used in the grow of the Twenty20 free the seeds group I got during Mother’s Day. They will be done in 4 gal plastic pots with LST under the HLG 600 rspec. Gotta get some solos ready and plant them today. They have been in shotties since 5pm yesterday. When I have something I’ll start a journal for them… stay tuned y’all!
@Lil Dab has been known to use them but he uses the junior size which holds half the amount of soil! They can make a mess tho as u supposed to pile the medium above the top of the box even before u come along and topdress later so every time u pull cover off u dump dirt and shit all over the tent floor and i am OCD about keeping mine clean! I prob coulda fit another 1-1.5gal of media into the full sized vs just using a single 1cu ft bag of soil but wanted room to topdress during grow and then to be able to add something like KIS nutrient pack to bake in before next round! With a sealed cover can bake right in the tent in the boxes!

Yeah I love the earthboxes they are so easy as long as you put water in the Rez :doh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Been thinking about digging mine out again but getting sick of mixing nutes all the time :headbang::pass::lildab: