We Fookin got it last night about 1:30…. And a bit again this morning…. :pass:
We got a smidge is all! Could see some water on top of the car when i ran to gas station but when i rolled trash cans to side of the house i almost had 1 fall into a crack clear to china cuz its still so dry out there!
Walter White - Day 42 :jointman:
Idk what that is but no.

Idk but I'm tryna not give up and hope that the 1 in a billion chance of them switching the antibiotics again will help. But they aren't even really counting on it at all.

I'm tryna also figure out some way of getting a power wheel chair, so MAYBE I can not spend the whole time in a hospital room. Maybe get a permanent port so I can get the antibiotics through the IV . At least get to a place where I can get into the sun, roll from one side of the room to the other cuz at this point im having to pull my hair/ ears to lift my head up
Yes Bro I like your thinking, when I went to emergency surgery for a snapped off leg (skin still there) 3 women came to talk about me leaving after surgery and asked how are you going to leave? And then gave me the pricing for a wheel chair and crutches. The prices were very high and I told them I would scoot out on my ass if need be :haha: Wishing the best to @PinkyNotTheBrain