What if you use Safari?:gassy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Someone say safari??

If you use Chrome, patch it immediately!

i'm a diehard chrome uzer, but i have no clue how to do that :rofl: :doh: either way, i never get adz of any kind, cuz i've uzed the Ghostery adblocker for yearz now & it'z da bomb! :headbang: ppp
That’s supposed to be secure. I don’t really know tho I don’t use it. I do know Apple is touting it as such in their campaign to get Chrome out. There is a Duck Duck Go for IOS I use that on my phone and iPad.

Thanks Willie I didn't know Duck duck go was for ISO too I may check that out now. I was just being a smart ass :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::pass:
i'm a diehard chrome uzer, but i have no clue how to do that :rofl: :doh: either way, i never get adz of any kind, cuz i've uzed the Ghostery adblocker for yearz now & it'z da bomb! :headbang: ppp
Chrome lets you know when it needs patching. Google it anyway to be sure. “How to patch chrome browser “