U can move the box but not the f-ing cat! :shrug::kitty::haha::rofl:


How many times can you reuse the bag?
A lot. A month at least if you use it all day, every day. Don't really need to change it until it gets so sticky that it won't blow up. And then you can cook a chicken in it :smoker1: I had a volcano for like 20 years so I'm used to bags
I don’t hate it. It’s just weird. Zero smell. Zero taste. It gets you very high…. Almost the beginning of mushrooms high. For like ten minutes. Then down to a slight buzz that fades away. Sweats during the beginning, with a little ears ringing….
Sounds like a low grade CBD strain...

Yes and new information is always being discovered. Do you understand DLI - Daily Light Integral if not I suggest it for further reading. It is a way to determine how much light your plants are getting in a given day. While true that a plant will use light while it is there - there is a point of diminishing returns for both your power bill and the plants ability to use it efficiently.

This is a great little chart for Autos.

View attachment 1704062
Very cool, i have not seen anything like this! Thank you very much! This is very helpful.